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Michael's heart thudded against his rib cage. His chest ached and his lungs burnt. He couldn't seem to get any oxygen in for the life of him. His face was almost tingling from the lack of oxygen. Everything was spinning and whirling around him endlessly. His legs wobbled and felt like jelly. He gasped for breath and clawed at his chest desperately. Michael needed to brace himself up upon the wall of the bathroom. 

Of course would have a panic attack in the middle of a school day. I'm pathetic. 

Michael wanted nothing more than to be with someone right now. He wanted so desperately to not feel as alone as he had been for the longest time. 

Why was he like this? Why couldn't he just take hits from the world like a normal human being? Why couldn't he just spring back as easily as other people could? Why did he melt down when things became too much for him? Why-?

Michael hadn't noticed the other presence enter the bathroom. 

"M-Mikey? Michael!" Jeremy quickly wrapped his arms around Michael's torso to keep him form collapsing. 

Michael crumbled up against him and buried his face into Jeremy's shoulder, sobbing against him. He wrapped his arms around him and clutched at Jeremy's cardigan. Shaking sobs wracked his body.

"Micah, what's wrong?" Jeremy whispered. He held the other against his chest warmly, one arm wrapped around the other's waist, his fingers carding through Michael's hair. 

Many people hate being this close to others while having panic attacks, but Michael loved being near Jeremy. With any other person, he would hate it as well, but with Jeremy, everything was better. There was something calming about his presence, no matter the situation. 

Jeremy slowly sank to the floor, bringing Michael with him so that they sat on the floor, ignoring how the floors of the public restrooms were absolutely disgusting. 

"I- I really can't talk about this r-right now." Michael struggled to even get that out.

Jeremy nodded slowly. He understood. 

Pulling one arm away, he fished his phone out of his pocket and pulled up Michael's panic attack playlist. He grabbed Michael's headphones from around his neck and placed them over his ears, hooking them up to his phone and letting the music flow through it. 

It was almost surprising how much the music affected him. 

Michael's breathing slowed to a steady tempo and his heart-rate decreased to its normal pattern. Slowly, his tense muscles relaxed and the tears stopped streaming. He lay limply in Jeremy's arms for a few moments. He felt physically and emotionally drained, but was no longer as panicked as he was before.  The only things remaining were the tear-tracks on his face and the slightly loopy, dizzying feeling that came over him.

"C'mon. Let's get out of here."

After a few minutes, Michael nodded, "Yeah. Let's go."

This seemed a little random and awkward. I suppose I have hit a rut with this book- which brings me to my next point. I was wondering if I should start writing oneshots for some other fandoms? If I do, I plan on probably starting off with other musicals. I also kind of have some ideas for Harry Potter stuff involving inter-house relationships. I don't quite have everything worked out with that, though. Oh well. 

I'm sorry that this was so short. I'm just not having a great writing day today. However I shall, hopefully, have some more out for you guys soon. Until then, have a fantastic day/night and ignore anybody who tells you that you aren't good enough, because you are and they don't have the right to tell anybody that they aren't. 

Also: Here is a playlist I've created of songs that personally calm me down a lot. If any of you have any that you suggest I add, please tell me. Thank you. :3

Awww, a Puppy! (Be More Chill, Werewolf AU, Boyf Riends Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now