Ouija Boards, Necromancy, and Jeremy as Casper the Ghost

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Michael had been feeling down lately. Him and his birth moms were moving because they had gotten new jobs in a different state. Even though he hadn't had many friends at his old school, Michael wasn't ready to start a new life.

Michael flopped onto his bed mello dramatically, staring up at the ceiling.

Although it was strange, Michael liked sleeping in the basement. It was quiet and secluded. He could play music as loudly as he wanted, and no one would be able to hear it.

He sighed heavily and looked over at the overflowing boxes that he had yet to unpack.

Michael dragged himself from his bed and started unpacking.

A few hours later, while Michael was unpacking and rearranging everything, he stumbled upon something he hadn't noticed before. It was sitting on the top shelf of the black bookshelf in the furthest corner of his room.

He pulled it down.

It appeared to be just a flat, wooden board with letters and numbers painted on it. At the bottom of the board, it said Goodbye, and one the top, it said Yes and No. Michael stared at it for a moment before he realized what it was.

"Woah... It's a Ouija board."

Michael had heard of these before. They say that if you use one, you'll be able to contact a spirit. If not done safely, it could get you into some serious trouble.

Cautiously, Michael looked around the room, before slipping the Oujia board underneath his bed. He decided that he would mess around with it later, and see if it worked. He didn't know if he believed in spirits or not, but it sounded interesting.

Besides, what better way to start out a new life than to get yourself cursed by a spirit!?

Late that night, after Michael's moms had both gone to sleep, Michael sat in his bed and pulled out the Ouija board. "Now or never."

Michael lit a candle and placed it onto his bedside table, before placing his hands on the planchette. He sat there for a moment, just staring at the board, considering what to say. "Hello?" he called out.

After a few seconds, the planchette moved.


"Holy-" Michael looked around the room for the sign of a ghost anywhere. When he didn't see any he looked back at the board, "Um, yeah. So, my name's Michael." He hadn't expected anything to respond, so he had no idea what to say.

I'm Jeremy.

"Nice to meet you, I guess?"

I'm surprised you're not scared of me.

Michael muttered, "Believe me, I am."

Oh. Well, thanks for not running away.

Michael smiled a bit, "So, what are your interests?" He didn't know what to say, but Jeremy seemed nice enough, so he wasn't worried.

I used to spend most of time playing video games. You know, when I was alive.

"Hey, me too! Well, I am currently alive, but that's how I spend most of my time." Michael laughed.

He couldn't see it, but Jeremy was smiling.

They ended up talking for a few hours, before Michael said that he had to go to sleep.

This continued for days. Fitting in a Middle Borough was hard, but he realized that if he just stayed quiet and avoided the populars, he would be fine. He always wore his headphones so that he could escape reality easily. Michael was quickly established as the 'Anti-Social Headphones Kid'. Which was pretty accurate. School was pretty boring and lonely, but at least, when he got to go home, he could talk to Jeremy.

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