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Part one of three of the Transgender Visibility Day Extravaganza. :3

Picking out a name for not-Jaina was incredibly hard, for many reasons.

"What about Jay? I already call you that a lot."

"I don't know, it sounds too short."

"Uh, Jordan?"

"I... It's just not Jewish enough!" he threw his hands up in the air in exasperation< "I think my parents will be more chill about it is it's Jewish like my current name, since, y'know."

"Jude? It could be shortened to Jew-" Michael was cut off by a pillow to the face.

"That's offensive!"

Michael chuckled, "I know I'm sorry, you know I love you."

He rolled his eyes, "I know."

Michael pulled out his phone and Googled, Jewish guy names that start with the letter J.

"I can't believe we need to use Google for this." the guy with 'J' name said.

"Holy names, Batman. Some of these are awful."


"I'm not calling you Jarah or..." he squinted at the phone, "Japheth."

"How do you even say that one?"

"Jape-eth?" Michael tried.




"I think the fact that neither of us can pronounce it is a good indicator that you shouldn't choose it." Michael sighed.

He nodded in agreement.

"Uh... Jacob-?"

"I am not sharing a name with the popular pimp of the school."


"That's so Javen~" not-Javen sang jokingly. 

"Okay, that's a no."

"Yeah. It's a no." 

"Hmmm... What about Jeremiah? You could shorten it and go by Jeremy." 

"I... I actually really like that. And I can pronounce it, so that's a plus."

Michael smiled, "Perfect."

"Yeah, perfect."

Michael gasped, "Dude, I'm going to call you Jer-bear from now on!"

"Of course you are."

"What? It's adorable! Besides, we both need cute nicknames for each other."

Jeremy stuck his tongue out at Michael, "You're a nerd, Mikey."

"You know it." he winked. 

I stared at the 'Publish' button with uncertainty for about ten minutes, mentally debating whether or not I should publish this. I feel like this may be offensive and I think it's almost morally wrong for me to post this anywhere... 

If I offended anyone with this, I apologize. That was not my intention. 

Also, just... Japheth. 

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