Choir Concert

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Jeremy was nervous as all hell.

Today would be the first Choir Concert of the year. That entailed singing in front of a massive crowd of people- both those that he knew and those that he didn't. And, although Jeremy was able to sing with the Tenors (his choir teacher discovered that he could hit those notes easily and allowed him to sing that part), and he was able to wear the guys' uniform instead of the dress that the girls had to wear, he was still having a moment of absolute and intense panic.

Panic because he was not yet out to his parents- one of which who would be attending the concert.

"Jeremy, it's going to be fine." Michael assured him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, "If your dad even notices he won't necessarily realize what's going on. Besides, he loves you- he is going to accept you."

Jeremy took a deep shaky breath, trying to listen to Michael's reassuring words and not go into a panic attack. He knew that Michael was probably right, but he was still terrified. Everyone would see him- him. That would include the annoying conservatives that knew Jeremy had been born a girl, or could tell that he wasn't a real boy, and would give him a hard time about it.

"He's right, you know. There's nothing to be afraid of."

The two boys looked up and saw a girl standing in the doorway. She had short figure, carmel skin, deep eyes, and short, dark hair. It was Christine- a girl from their Choir class.

"I- uh."

"No one's going to notice, or care. Everyone's going to be preoccupied with the sound or whoever they came to see, so chances are, your family members are the only one's who'll notice. Besides," Christine smiled, "You look very passing."

Jeremy smiled back, "Thanks."

Christine waved enthusiastically before bolting off.

Jeremy stared after her with a look of pure adoration in his eyes.

"I can see why you like her- she's really nice."

Jeremy blushed, "I don't-"

"Don't pull that crap with me, Heere. I know when you're lying." Michael punched him in the shoulder playfully.

Jeremy laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, I know."

"She was right, though- no one's going to care, and you look very passing."

Jeremy smiled, "You're right. I've got this!"

"Hell yeah you do!"

Jeremy sprang to his feet, "Let's do this!" and started walking towards the door.

"Jeremy- no. We still have fifteen minutes before we need to be out on stage."

"Oh, right."

The two dissolve into laughter.

As the concert started, Jeremy relaxed. Things were going well. He was hitting all of the notes, he felt super passing, he was breathing just fine, and nobody seemed to be staring at him. Jeremy sang a tad more confidently than he usually did.

He felt like a real boy.

That is, until he made direct eye-contact with his father in the audience.

Mr. Heere didn't look particularly intimidating, he just seemed a bit confused as to why Jeremy was dressed like and singing with the guys.

Jeremy stopped singing and just stared back at his father with a look of mild fear on his face. 

Michael noticed this and glanced over at his buddy. He took Jeremy's hand in his and squeezed it gently, giving him a reassuring smile.

Jeremy took a deep breath and squeezed Michael's hand back before continuing.

The two leaned up against each other for support for the rest of the song.

After the concert, Jeremy was pretty calm. He knew that he had the support of at least two teachers, most of the student in the Choir class (literally everyone in their Choir class was part of the LGBT+ community), and he had his best friend by his side.

That night, Jeremy came out to his father and only his father. He explained everything with Michael next to them, holding his hand as a form of support the entire time. Whenever Jeremy struggled through his words or was having difficulty articulating his feelings, Michael would help him explain.

By the end, Mr. Heere looked a little bewildered. Not angry, not disapproving, not upset, not disappointed- just a little surprised.

In the end, he took it all very well.

"So... a-any questions?" Jeremy asked once he was finished.

Mr. Heere glanced at the two boys' interlocked hands.

"Are you boys dating too?"

They both blushed, yanking their hands away and stuttering awkwardly, "No, dad."

"Oh. Darn."

The two blushed harder.

"Well, bye, Jeremy. Goodbye, Mr. Heere." Michael said before exiting the house hurridly.

And that was the day that Jeremy's father started calling his son Jeremy. 

YeAh, so that was fun. 

If you murder anyone, make sure to hide the body well.

Have a nice day. 

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