Sunset Dreams

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The sun sank below the horizon as the three friends cuddled together peacefully from their tent set up in Christine's backyard. Due to the weather forecast of the night, they had decided to pitch a tent as they waited for the full moon to rise. Although the moon had barely risen above the horizon, Michael was already in his wolf form, feeling shaky and itchy with his overpowering desire to race around in the wilderness, chasing rabbits and howling to the moon. As childish as it sounded, he wanted nothing more than to dig his paws into fresh dirt and craved the feeling of earth under his claws even more than he craved meat. The desires were difficult to deal with, but at least he had Christine and Jeremy there with him to support him and help him through this month's transformation. 

Both of his mothers were out of town and wouldn't be able to be there to help him through his transformation this month as they usually did. Considering this was only his fourth time doing this, he was still very new to it and didn't completely trust himself to be completely left alone during them. Besides, as much as Michael liked to think of himself as a loner- and a literal lone wolf- he truly hated being alone and these feelings seemed to get even worse when he experienced transformations. He hoped these feelings would fade with time as his moms had said they would. For the time being, though, these feelings were very much prominent and he appreciated the fact that both Jeremy and Christine were willing to hang out with him during the full moon. 

Jeremy caught onto Michael's constant shifting and reached down to begin to softly stroke Michael's fur. He gently carded his finger through the fur on the scruff of his neck and the top of his head in an attempt to soothe him. Christine took note of this and began doing the same to his ears. Despite himself, Michael felt himself relaxing into their touches, basking in the feeling. He loved the feeling of their longer nails pleasantly scritching against his skin and their fingers softly massaging him through his thick, soft coat of fur. 

He quickly calmed from his previous jitters for the rest of the sunset, simply soaking in the amazing feeling of his friends being by his side and viewing the absolutely breathtaking sight of the sunset. The three of them watched the sky as it went through an entire cycle of the colour spectrum. It bled from pastel pink to orange so vivid it looked juicy to red so deep it looked as though someone could drown in it. By the time the sky was pitch black and lit only by stars and the fill, shining moon, Michael felt a strange mixture of calm and excitement. He was ready to give in to his more feral instincts, despite how shameful and childish it seemed to run about the woods, dig holes, and sing the song of his people, however, he felt relaxed and nowhere near the irritating, buzzing feeling he had experienced previously. 

With only a small glance to his friends and encouraging nods from both of them, he leapt to his paws and bound off into the darkness. It took Christine and Jeremy only a few moments to spring up and follow close on his heels, both grinning as they raced after him. 

Jeremy could hardly remember the last time he had felt this relaxed and excited at the same time. Under the star-covered sky, running alongside his close friends, there was no fear, no pressure, and no stress. There was just him and Christine and Michael and the beautiful, fantastic, mysterious place that was the forest that started at the edge of Christine's backyard. Jeremy had feared the darkness since he was young, but the dimly lit world around him didn't feel terrifying and unknown as it usually did. Instead, it felt safe and comforting. 

Jeremy grinned as he watched Christine twirl in a circle at the centre of a group of fireflies. Her bare feet brushed against the soft grass, the skirt of her dress swishing around her legs. Jeremy couldn't help but think that maybe he would be more comfortable if he took his shoes off as his other friends had done as well. Still, there was no way he was heading back to the tent just to take his shoes off. More important than that was the excitement that shone in her eyes. The chocolate coloured orbs were practically sparkling, occasionally reflecting the light of the fireflies around her in a beautiful orange-brown colour. No way would he tear himself away from this sight. 

"Michael, wait up!" 

Jeremy was snapped from his stupour as Christine sprinted off in pursuit of their werewolf friend and jumped to action to follow the two of them deeper into the forest. He could hardly keep up with the two of them, considering Michael was part wolf and therefore very quick and Christine was just a ball of energy, the poor guy had no chance. Still, the chase through the woods was fun and despite feeling even sweatier than usual and gasping for breath by the time they finally stopped sprinting further into the woods, he didn't regret it. 

A few more hours were spent deep within the woods, with Michael digging and chasing animals without actually killing or injuring any of them (Christine made sure of this by giving him plenty of food beforehand and filling her pockets with food for while they were out) and the three of them running and just messing around before they were all finally exhausted. 

"Chrissy, please tell me you know where we are."

She worried her lower lip, "About that..."

"Oh God- please don't tell me we're lost!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where we were going," she frowned. 

Michael didn't give them a chance to continue worrying about the situation. Instead, he began sniffing at the air and ground around them, searching for any sign of their scent and where they had come from. Upon finding it, he barely gave them any warning before heading in the direction he believed Christine's house to be and tracking the scents. 

Christine and Jeremy shared a look before following their friend. 

By the time they returned to Christine's house, both her and Jeremy were exhausted- both from the physical exertion and the late hour of the night. Michael, on the other hand, was still full of energy, as many werewolves of his age would be at this time. 

While Jeremy and Christine retreated to the tent, Michael continued enjoying the night in her backyard and at the line of the property, being careful to not stray too far. His friends settled comfortably in the tent, heads peeking out so they could watch everything going on in the night. Although they were both struggling to stay awake and watch Michael in case anything went wrong with his transformation or if he needed them, they both felt themselves drifting off as sleep took hold of them. Christine rested her head on Jeremy's shoulder as he propped up his elbows to keep himself upright as he struggled to keep his eyelids open. Michael knew that they were falling asleep and wouldn't notice if he left. He didn't fear how they would react if he left or think that they would respond poorly if he did. He had no real need to stay close by. Still, he couldn't bring himself to move further into the forest. Despite his instincts telling him to join his pack where they were located far across town, another instinct overpowered this. Michael felt as though he needed to stay there so he could protect his friends and ensure their safety against the creatures of the night. He couldn't quite place what this feeling was, but he decided that this was probably normal for werewolves and didn't think anything more of it. 

The night wore on peacefully and neither Christine nor Jeremy could stay awake for the duration of the night. Michael couldn't blame them, though, and, upon wearing himself out, joined them within their tent. Carefully, he pulled a blanket over his two friends before snuggling down between their sleeping frames. Christine didn't quite snore but seemed to almost hum in her sleep. Jeremy's face fell from his usual stressed, tense look to a peaceful, serene look. 

Michael's eyelids fluttered closed. His monthly transformation was always difficult, but with his closest friends at his side, he supposed it wasn't so bad. 

Hello, everyone! I have a question for all of you: What should the pack Michael formed with his friends be called? I had some plans for a chapter but decided I didn't want to write too much for it without having a name for their pack and I wanted to hear all of your opinions! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed!

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