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@Space_Explore had an amazing idea: Ha, that would be cute, like its Valentine's day and Jeremy tries to give Michael chocolate and Michael eats a little not wanting to be rude but gets sick then incomes a flustered Jeremy "why would you eat it?!"

It was Valentine's Day and Jeremy wanted to get something nice for Michael, since this would be their first Valentine's Day together, as a couple.

Sure, they'd spent most of their previous Valentine's Days together, but those didn't really count. Those mostly consisted of their usual gaming and junk food consumption, but with added moping as they both mourned over being single. Past Valentine's Days hadn't been much different from their usual hang-outs together, but they were just happy that they weren't alone on Valentine's Day in the past.

Now, though, Jeremy was pretty ecstatic, Why wouldn't he be? This would be his first Valentine's day that he spent with Michael as more than friends.

They had decided that they'd spend this Valentine's Day like the others- but hopefully with more cuddling- and just stay in. That didn't make it any less special though.

Jeremy ended up getting Michael chocolate. The chocolate he got was shaped like a video game controller and the size of one too. It was pretty high-quality as well, considering it was solid chocolate and not hollow on the inside. Jeremy was almost positive his best friend turned boyfriend would like it.

Using the spare key to Michael's place that he kept on him at all times, Jeremy unlocked the Mell's front door and headed down to the basement, where Michael was sure to be. "Honey, I'm home!" Jeremy called jokingly from the top of the stairs.

Michael's laughter boomed as Jeremy trotted downstairs, "You are the cheesiest, Heere."

"Yep, I know." Jeremy flopped onto the beanbag next to Michael's, "I even bought Valentine's Day chocolates, like a sap." He extended the chocolate game controller wrapped in clear plastic over to Michael.

Michael smiled and took the controller, "You're a dork, and I love you."

Jeremy flushed, "I-I love you, too."

The two leaned in a kissed each other gently and sweetly.

Jeremy was blushing even harder afterwards, "But I'm offended- I'm a geek, not a dork."

Michael burst out laughing, "Jere, you geek."

Jeremy laughed along with him, "At least I'm your geek."

"Yeah." Michael smiled and threw an arm over Jeremy's shoulder in a cuddly side-hug. Michael nuzzled into Jeremy's shoulder and Jeremy rested his head atop Michael's head, burying his face in Michael's hair. Each was secretly inhaling the other's scent deeply. The duo stayed there for a bit, just enjoying the warmth and company of one another.

"So, wanna boot up Portal?" Michael asked.

"Heck yeah, man! We've gotta beat it on multiplayer!" Jeremy jumped up, "I'll go set it up. By the way, I hope you like the chocolate I got you."

Michael's stomach churned as he looked down at it. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate it, in fact, he thought it was really sweet that Jeremy went through the trouble of finding game controller shaped chocolate. What troubled him was that Michael knew he couldn't handle eating this. Being a werewolf, he had some of the same annoying dietary restrictions that your average house dog would, and that included eating chocolate.

But it would be rude to not eat it. Michael knew that Jeremy was still a little awkward about their relationship, since it had only been a few months after the Squip incident. Jeremy still felt like he owed Michael something, that Michael secretly still hated him a little, and that he would somehow mess this all up- ruining their romance and their friendship.

Besides, Michael wanted to learn what chocolate tasted like.

Slowly and hesitantly, Michael unwrapped the chocolate, before bringing it up to his mouth and biting off a small piece of the left trigger.

Michael spent the rest of the night feeling like death itself.

He ended up curled into a tiny ball with his head in Jeremy's lap. He was whimpering, shaking, and dry heaving all night.

Jeremy used one hand to run his fingers through Michael hair, and rubbed soothing circles on Michael's back with the other, "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't eat chocolate?!"

I didn't make the card at the top, I just found it and loved it. I really like Portal, and I thought it was awesome that they made a card with the Turret that, ya' know, doesn't try to kill you. 

Awww, a Puppy! (Be More Chill, Werewolf AU, Boyf Riends Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now