You Call THAT a PUPPY?

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Prompt I found, by Fanficy: Person A/Werewolf gets mistaken as Person B's large pet dog when they go to the park on night. Person B doesn't deny anything and goes along with it to Person A's annoyance (Bonus: it was Person C who mistook Person A/Werewolf as Person B's pet dog)

Recently, whenever Jeremy went outside or went for walks, people would harass him. Whether about what a loser he was, his boyfriend, or the Squip incident, people would hassle him. It followed him wherever he went. Jeremy already felt horrible about the Squip incident, and this did nothing to help. It tore his self-esteem to shreds and really intimidated him.

He had been reluctant to tell his boyfriend, Michael, about what was going on. Jeremy and the Squip incident had caused Michael a lot of pain, and Jeremy didn't want to worry or inconvenience him even more than he already had. Besides, in Jeremy's mind, he deserved it.

But, he had to come clean and tell Michael everything that had been happening to him when Michael found Jeremy covered in injuries. He had a busted lip, a black eye, and many bruises on his face and arms.

Michael was furious.

He was completely ticked that someone had hurt his Jeremy. He was outraged that this had been going on for so long. His blood boiled at the thought of Jeremy being in physical or emotional pain.

Jeremy started shaking slightly, sensing how mad Michael was.

Michael had to take a deep breath and relaxed his muscles. He was scaring his boyfriend, and that certainly wasn't what he wanted to do. He was a little angry that he Player One hadn't told him sooner, but didn't want Jeremy scared of him. Most of the fury and anger was directed at the people who had hurt Jeremy- not him.

Michael had looped his arms around Jeremy in a comforting hug, rubbing circles into his back, and cooing sweet things into his ear to calm his boyfriend. 

It worked.

Fast forward to the present.

Jeremy was walking down the sidewalk with Michael at his side. However, it wasn't regular Michael. It was Michael in his werewolf form. Michael was a large, muscular werewolf with beautiful, silky, brown fur and killer daggers for fangs. His dark, intense eyes scanned the streets for anyone that might come by and try to hurt Jeremy.

No one was nearby, though.

Jeremy glanced down at Michael, "You know, you really don't have to do this."

"If a huge, scary wolf is walking next to you, no one will oppose you."

"And if they do...?" Jeremy worried.

"I'll beat the living crap out of them. Fur will fly, and they will lose." Michael assured, "I'll protect you, Jere. Don't worry."

"Okay." Jeremy reached over to scratched behind Michael's ear. Michael immediately began to pant happily and wag his tail side-to-side. His eyes slid shut in utter bliss.

They stayed like this for a while, before Michael jerked away, "Hey! Don't do that! I'm trying to stay focused so that I can protect you. I look less furious when you're petting me."

"If you look too scary the dog catchers will come and take you away." Jeremy joked, "How am I supposed to explain that? 'Don't worry, he's not vicious. That's my boyfriend.' That wouldn't work, Michael."

Michael let out a tiny growl, that sounded less like a hostile act and more like a grumble of defeat.

"Okay, okay. If you really dislike my PDA that much..." 

"Yo'! Heere!"

Jeremy looked up to see Rich, who was currently coming down the street towards them.

Michael nuzzled into Jeremy as he approached.

Rich stared in disbelieve at the large wolf standing next to Jeremy. "Woah." he whispered. Rich looked back up at Jeremy, "Is this your new 'puppy'? Geez, Michael never told me that Crash was so... massive."

"Haha, yeah." Jeremy scratched Michael's ears again.

Michael glared at Rich. Seriously? Puppy

"He looks like he wants to rip my head off." Rich observed, "Anyways, gotta go. See ya' later, Loser. Treat Michael right." He turned and stalked off.

Jeremy snorted with laughter and glanced down at Michael, "Oh my-"


Jeremy continued to laugh.

"Jeremy, Jer-Bear, Love, please stop."

"Okay okay," Jeremy stifled his laughter, "Let's go home then, Crash."   

Awww, a Puppy! (Be More Chill, Werewolf AU, Boyf Riends Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now