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xDear_CONNOR_Murphyx suggested this.  

 Michael knew that Jeremy Heere was a furry. It was one of those weird things that Michael knew about Jeremy. One of those things that is extremely awkward to find out about your best friend, but that you never let them live down once you do know.

Which is why Michael currently was in his half wolf-half human form. He looked almost completely human, but had his wolf ears and tail that matched the colour of his hair. He knew that Jeremy would be flustered by this but what could he say- it would be hilarious.

"Hey, Mikey, so I was thinking-" Jeremy froze halfway down the stairs and mid-step, a new videogame clutched in one of his hands.

"You were thinking..." Michael waved his arm in a 'continue' motion.

"I- uh- nuh?"

Michael gestured to the game clutched in Jeremy's hand casually, "That a new game you wanna play?"

"I-" Jeremy lifted his arm a little to look at it, "Uh, yeah. It's the new Legend of Zelda game, Breath of the Wild. I thought it would be fun."

"Sounds great!"

Jeremy didn't move from his place on the stairs.

"What's wrong, Jere?" Michael looked up at Jeremy, fighting back his laughter and biting his lip to keep himself from smiling too much.

"I..." Jeremy sighed, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Michael asked, his tail swishing back and forth.

"W-with the tail and the-" Jeremy gestured in a circular motion towards his best friend. His best friend that he had a massive crush on. His best friend with the most beautiful eyes, and the softest hair, and a great crooked smile, and his amazing laugh, and his wonderful personality that Jeremy loved. Michael was perfect in so many ways. Michael stayed with him no matter what. Jeremy could tell Michael anything. 

And, now, Michael had ears and a tail.

Michael's full wolf form? Jeremy could deal with. This? Not so much.

"Well, I am a werewolf, Jeremy."

"I know that!" Jeremy's face burned red and his voice cracked indignantly.

"Then what's the problem?" Michael smiled, clearly enjoying himself.

Jeremy took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way downstairs, joining Michael in their beanbags, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Good." Michael passed Jeremy a controller and booted up their console so they could play the game. While doing so, he brushed his tail up against Jeremy as he flicked it around. Jeremy's face went red again, matching Michael's iconic hoodie.

Jeremy tried as hard as he could to focus on the title sequence as the system began running and the game started up, but Michael kept brushing his tail up against Jeremy and twitching his ears. He was being adorable and it was driving Jeremy insane. He was extremely uncomfortable.

Michael, on the other hand, was smiling triumphantly the entire time.

After about fifteen minutes of attempting to just play the game and enjoy it, Jeremy thought he could handle it. He thought that he had gotten his feelings for Michael under control and that he could ignore it.

But then, Michael leaned in and his tail started to wrap around Jeremy's waist.

"NOPE." Jeremy dropped the controller and squirmed away.

Michael bust out laughing.

"What the heck, Michael?!" he screeched, his voice cracking.

Michael was near tears from laughing so hard.

"S-stop it!"

"Okay, okay, fine." Michael shifted back into his fully human form.

"Thank you." Jeremy breathed, "That was awkward as hell."

"It was hilarious."

"No it wasn't!"



Okay guys, so there are a lot of racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic people around me and in my community, and something that annoys me a lot about these individuals are their reasons for why  they are racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic. Seriously, I've heard some really idiotic reasons behind people hating others. 

So, question of the day is: What is the dumbest reason you've heard someone use to validate their hatred towards a very specific and large group of people? This doesn't even have to be from homophobic people, just people that are jerks and feel the need to hate on an entire community of people for a really ridiculous or infantile reason.

Awww, a Puppy! (Be More Chill, Werewolf AU, Boyf Riends Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now