Chapter Eight- The Claimed

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{Georgina's POV}

I stood up, still shocked by the sudden outburst of ravens. A blonde girl seemed to be waving our flag about, which meant that we had lost. Both my knees were grazed from tripping up, and my heart was beating at a pace that I was sure was unhealthy. Sofie started to walk towards me, surprise plastered on her face.

"Did you do that?" Sofie shook her head, her eyes unfocused as if she was staring off into the distance. By now, a crowd of people had gathered, some cheering, and others looking sullenly at the ground. A horn blew, which alerted us all to Chiron's presence amidst the group.

"The red team has won, and we shall celebrate this victory at the camp fire!" He started leading everyone through the forest, and I found it hard to not get trampled by the storm of impatient campers. By the glares that some of the blue team were giving me, I could tell that they knew Travis and I were the reason we had lost.

"Hey, Georgina. I have a feeling that the campers know that we're the reason the blue team lost." I nodded, and then replied.

"Sorry about... umm, not being very good at this game."

"It's fine. When I first came here, I was even worse." He laughed, and patted me on the back.

"Oh, thanks, I guess. So, what are we supposed to do at the campfire?"

"Singing, laughing, that sort of stuff. Sometimes, people even get claimed there."

"Claimed? What do you-" I was cut off by him laughing again.

"You'll see. Come on, let's follow the others before it gets any darker."

" I doubt I'll be singing, unless I want to deafen everybody within a 5 mile radius," I told him as we walked onwards, Sofie behind us.


By the time we had arrived at the campfire, the good places were gone. I sat myself down behind some campers who were whispering to each other. Glancing around the circle of demigods I saw a boy with his arm wrapped around the girl who had held the flag earlier.

They were laughing and talking, and looked a lot older than the other kids around us. Someone shouted at them, so the girl stood up and walked to a table full of blonde kids with grey eyes, who all looked very similar to each other.

"Hey, maybe that's where you should sit, Sofie." I whispered to her. I glanced at Travis out of the corner of my eye, and he immediately stood up and went to sit by Connor. Had I done something wrong?

"Sofie, any clue why Travis just moved?"

"Well, he doesn't exactly like me, and the feeling's mutual. I'm glad he left."

"What happened?"

"I just happened to remark on the cleanliness of- oh my god. What's that above your head?" As soon as she said that, all the campers turned to stare at her. Whispers emerged between everyone.

" Um, I don't know, how about air, or the sky, maybe?" I started to feel very self conscious about what everyone was talking about, but was also wondering whether Sofie was just pranking me. Except, this time it couldn't possibly be a prank, because the whole camp was in on it, and Sofie wasn't that popular. Then, I caught sight of my reflection in a puddle of water that appeared in front of me. A huge, glowing trident was hovering above my head. I went to bat it away with my hand and in doing so I fell off my seat, humiliating myself in front of the whole camp. Standing up, I heard laughter erupt from the campers behind me.

Chiron trotted towards me, a serious expression merged to his face.

"Follow me. We need to talk. You too, Percy." He gestured for me to follow him towards the Big house. The boy I saw earlier next to the blonde girl stood up and followed, too. 

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