Chapter 20- Anthony: The Typical White Girl

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{Millie's POV}

By the time we'd woken up, Sofie was asleep in her bed. She must have come in at some point during the night, but somehow managed not to wake us.

"Sofie, come on, or you're going to be late for breakfast." Georgina tapped her, making her eyes slowly open. I wondered who'd tell her the news, and how she'd react.

"Why is everyone avoiding eye contact? Have I done something?" She asked, looking around at us.

"Last night, Sofie, you missed our meeting with Reyna." Anthony told her.

"Sorry. Did I miss important information?"

"Because you weren't there... well, Reyna told us that you can't go." Everyone looked down, but I glanced up at her expression, and it was full of anger.

"That little-"

"We're sorry, Sofie. We tried persuading her, but it didn't work." Alivia told her.

"Well, I'll go anyway. I don't need her permission. I'm not a Roman." And with that, we started our day.

We had training off so that we could pack, seeing as we were leaving after lunch. I left breakfast early, and Anthony decided to come with me.

"Hey, Millie. I was wondering, because I won't see you for a while, how about we grab coffee or something?" I wasn't one to turn down coffee, and especially not with my crush.

"I'd love to."

"Great, because I know an awesome coffee place." We walked together for a while until we entered a small cafe, the sound of cups and cutlery chiming together pleasantly. A tinted green nymph stood behind the counter, hurriedly pouring a liquid out from a Starbucks container. So much for homemade coffee. The cafe was fairly empty, with just one other couple sitting in the corner. I was glad that we sat down far away from them, because I was worried that they were about to start making out. After I caught Dakota making out with a flask full of Kool-aid, I wasn't exactly keen on repeating the experience. Anthony approached the nymph to order our drinks, and that's when I noticed his shoes. I don't know why, but for some godforsaken reason he was wearing lady's ugg boots. I never would've taken Anthony for a typical white girl, but I made a mental note not to touch his coffee for fear of being decapitated. I tried to focus on something other than the couple canoodling on the other side of the shop. I hate public displays of affection. Anthony strutted back towards the table we were sat at, while the nymph was shouting something about running out of pumpkin spice lattes to a demigod behind a curtain.

"She said that it'll take a while because they've run out of coffee, which doesn't make sense because this is a coffee place, so..." He began to trail off.


"Anyway, what are you guys going to do about Sofie? I mean, are you going to try and convince Reyna to let her back on the quest or are you going to go without her?"

"I don't know, honestly. I mean Alivia is too nervous to stand up to Reyna, Georgina is a nutjob and I don't have any idea as to what I should do. Any advice?"

"My advice is that you follow your heart, because it's beautiful, just like you."

"You're such a child of Venus," I said, punching him lightly in the shoulder.

"So what are you guys even doing on this quest?"

"Well, Reyna said something about mortals going missing near the Eiffel tower, and that the bird that told us the prophecy seemed to picture the Eiffel tower."

"Oh. Sounds cool. Can you tell me anything else about what the prophecy means or not, or is it top secret?" He joked.

"Uhhhhh. I think that Sofie said something about somebody betraying or deceiving us? I'm not sure though. I haven't told anybody yet, but I have a bad feeling that the line "At the hall of heroes the healthy must fall" means that one of us is going to die. I don't who though, but I have the same feeling I had when I saw my Grandmother die on Christmas Eve, except this time nobody's dead. Yet."

"Sorry about your grandmother. Well, if for some reason there is a death, Pluto will make sure whoever dies will go to Elysium. I'm not sure about that lunatic, Georgina, though." We both laughed, but I still felt uneasy about that line in the prophecy. Sofie had also told me earlier that many heroes tried to change their prophecy, and ended up fulfilling it by doing so. I didn't want that to happen, so I was unsure about how much I could interfere with the outcome.

"Millie, you know, you've only been her for a few days, but well, they've been some of the best days of my life. You brighten my day, Mils, and I love you." I couldn't believe my ears.

"Me t-"

"One black coffee, one pumpkin spice latte?" The waitress was standing by our table, looking incredibly bored, two cups in her hand.

"Ah, yes, thanks." Anthony replied. The waitress slammed the drinks on the table, causing boiling coffee to spill over my tshirt. I'd imagined this moment in my head for a while, and now that it was finally happening, it was ruined. 

{Not the best at writing romance, and I apologise for that. Probably because I'll be single forever... XD}

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