Chapter 17- (Pt 2.) I Startle a Roman

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{Georgina's POV}

Being paired up with Anthony was the second worst thing that could have happened. The worst was to die with him, and I hoped that that wouldn't happen.

"Georgina, I need your honest opinion on something." Anthony ruffled through his hair while saying this.

"What on?" I replied, expecting some boring nonsense about his hair. I was surprised.

"Do you think Millie like-likes me?"

I was taken aback. I barely knew either of them, and now the son of Venus was asking me about love?

"I'm not the best person to ask, really. But I do think she may have blush-" A giant elephant passed us by, leaving me speechless.

"Let's just plan on how we distract them now, huh?" I told him, trying to get away from the subject of love. However, he seemed to be staring off at something in a tree. A black bird- a raven, maybe? It squawked as if impatient, and Anthony seemed to mutter something under his breath.

"Sorry. Soon," He whispered.

"Anthony? You're creeping me out." He slowly turned to face me, a puzzled look on his face. For a second, I thought his eyes had gone a bright amber, but it must have been the light.

"Oh, I have the perfect idea for a distraction." He walked on ahead of me, right into two cohorts of heavily armoured and heavily armed demigods, who immediately raised their weapons. I crept closer, realising that maybe I would die with Anthony. He grabbed the boy in front of him, pulled off his helmet, and- kissed him. I didn't think that it would be the best distraction, but it seemed to work. Everyone stood still, and when Anthony released the boy, two demigods of his own cohort started attacking him. I noted that jealousy and love can do strange things to people. Within a few seconds, the two cohorts were attacking each other, while Anthony stood unharmed, looking pretty chuffed about kissing that boy.

"I've wanted to do that for a while." He told me.

"Come on, it won't last forever." I sighed, and then we ran. I heard a series of shouts from the wall as soldiers ran to the water bazookers and aimed them at us. I pushed Anthony to the ground and thrust my hand towards the water bazookers; they all exploded, sending water gushing everywhere.

Anthony lifted his head out of the mud, "You messed up my hair! YOU WANT SOME OF DIS' MATE??????!!!!!!!!!"Anthony screamed while gesturing at his face.

I heard somebody in the distance yell, "I'll take a slice o' dat. You're hot ."I bolted towards the wall as Anthony carried on fussing about his hair. As I climbed up, I noticed an angry looking boy running up to me, a sword being held in his hand, while drops of water poured off him. He ignored Anthony, who was now crying, and looked as if he was going to murder me. Painfully. I jumped up to a stone sticking out of the wall, trying not to fall off. I was known for being clumsy, and I didn't want to become famous for being the first to die from falling off at 1 metre above the ground. I jumped up to the next stone sticking out. At the base of the wall were a bunch of angry, wet centurions waving swords at me, and looking down I noticed that the boy was only meters away. I could tell that he would definitely be able to get up to my stone. My mind was completely blank, stripped of ideas, I could hear a low scraping against the underside of the stone I was perching atop. The boy was scraping his sword against my stone while shouting a line of Latin insults at me. A piece crumbled off, leaving space for only one foot. I noticed another stone, higher up, and decided that it was my best chance. I jumped up, and managed to plant my hands on it. I now seemed to be dangling about six metres in the air... how had I done that? Well, if this stone didn't hold me, at least the one below would. I changed my mind as soon as it crumbled away, landing on the boy's head, and knocking him to the ground. My hands were starting to slip with sweat, and my whole body was trembling. The surface under my right hand disappeared, nearly sending me flying. There was no space left for it, with my other hand being my only hope. I briefly wondered whether falling six metres would kill me. Sofie probably knew. Goodbye wall.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" A loud shout made me move my head. An elephant was approaching at an alarming speed, complete with what looked like Millie and Leila sitting on its back. I thought that they were going to crash into the wall, but Hannibal stopped just in time, as if someone had slammed the brakes. I let go of my remaining hand, expecting to be caught safely. Instead, I found myself lying on the ground, the elephant scampering off. Every bone in my body ached, and I felt like I was going to keep on passing out until I died. Blood seemed to cover me, but I couldn't tell where from.

"Oh. Are you okay?" Asked Millie stifling laughter. Her amused expression then stopped when she noticed blood pouring out of my temple.

"Oh." She looked behind her, where Leila seemed to be helping Sofie drag a body over.

{Millie's POV}

Within a few minutes, Alivia and Georgina were both lying down on the ground, next to each other.

"So, how do we win this?" I asked.

"I think we should use Alivia as a lasso." Georgina croaked out.

"And I think she's delirious. Our previous plan hasn't worked, so it's time for Plan B to come into action." Sofie said.

"And what is Plan B? Also, where has Anthony gone?" Leila asked, almost accusingly. I had noticed that Anthony wasn't here, but I was worried that if I brought it up, people would think I was interested. Which I totally wasn't. Georgina seemed to let out a chorus of awkward coughs at the mention of Anthony.


"Umm, Millie, we need you for the plan." What use could I possibly be in a plan, unless it was to sing songs from Les Miserables to deafen the enemy.

"What?" was my response.

"I know it's quite a big favour, but, can't you shadow travel?" I sighed. I didn't know how I'd done it the first time, and I had no idea how to do it again.


"Does that mean we can use Alivia as a lasso, now?"Asked a still very delirious Georgina.

"No." We all sighed collectively. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to find a muddy Anthony behind me.

"Hey, umm, can we talk, please, alone?" His voice seemed more gentle than usual, and I was thrilled that he was asking to be alone with me. I nodded, hoping that I didn't look too eager.

I followed to the other side of the field, and I was sure that the rest of the group was staring. It didn't matter though.

I stood in front of him, wondering what he was going to say. Anthony moved a stray piece of hair from my face to behind my ear, so I looked down suddenly, hoping he wouldn't see me blush.

"You know, I've seen a lot of people in my life, but you're definitely the bravest I've met. I mean, I was a total coward back then, and I've known I was a demigod most of my life." I was surprised by his comment, and wasn't too sure about how to respond.

"You... you weren't a coward." He smiled at me, and I wondered whether he might hold the same feelings as I did.

"Come on, let's get back to the others." We walked back, and this time, we were so close that I could almost feel his arm against mine.

"Finally back, lovebirds?" Sofie teased, causing both Anthony and I to blush, and look at each other awkwardly before turning away.

"I've changed my mind. I will be able to shadow travel." An almost proud look emerged on Anthony's face, and I knew I'd made the right decision.

I walked closer to the wall where there was a small patch of shadow, and closed my eyes. I tried to drain my thoughts out, as if hunting for the witch who could cast such magic. I was engulfed by the sound of Centurions shouting orders in the distance and the clinking of armour. I pried open my eyes and could see that I was on what I presumed was the top of the wall. I staggered out of the shadows, and a nearby camper glanced at me before turning away and doing a doubletake. I sighed, thankful that it worked. From here, I could just about see my friends, cheering at me. Maybe I would find my place here, after all.

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