Chapter 7- Capture the Flag

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By the time Georgina and I had arrived with the rest of the campers, they were already split up into two groups.

"Ah, girls, there you are. We already have an equal number in each team, so I'm afraid you'll have to go in separate teams." Chiron moved Georgina to a team which held a blue flag, and I recognised Travis hand her some armour. Armour? Why would we need armour for a simple game? When I noticed the weapons that some campers were carrying, and was suddenly thankful for the protection. A girl, who was holding a red flag, gestured for me to join her, and as I moved closer to her, I realised that we both looked rather similar, save for her slightly tanned skin.

"You're lucky you're in my team. We're going to win." She handed me some armour, which I then hurried away to put on.

"Umm, I've never really played this before. Also, why do we have weapons?" I asked her, hoping that for once someone would answer me.

"It's simple, really. Our team has to take the blue team's flag. The weapons are for fighting off monsters which sometimes come into the woods, and for using against the other team."
"Are you telling me that we have to kill people? Because if so, why are you using weapons like these, instead of guns, which are a lot easier. Also, killing people- that's dreadful." The girl laughed at what I'd said, and then replied.

"Nah. It's only for harming them. I'm Annabeth, by the way. And you are...?"

"Sofie. And I don't have a weapon."

"Ah. That could be a problem," She turned around to face her team, who immediately stopped talking. "Does anyone have a spare weapon that Sofie can borrow for the game?" Our team murmured, and looked at each other, but finally a sword came to the front. I thanked the camper, and then looked at the sword closely. The blade seemed to be made of bronze, and the handle was decorated with scenes that resembled the designs on some Greek pottery. It felt heavy in my hand, and I wondered if the Wiki-How article I'd read last week on fencing would help me.

"We're a bit short on attack, so you can help me there." Annabeth told me. Before I could ask what the hell that was, Chiron coughed to get our attention, so we all turned to face him.

"You have ten minutes to hide your flags. Begin!" A stampede of people rushed into the woods, and I nearly lost Annabeth in the process. I caught up with her, and decided to follow, seeing as she was the only person who'd actually solved some of my curiosity. We arrived at a pile of rocks, where Annabeth stuck the flag in.

"Miranda and Chris, guard the flag. Sofie and I are on attack." Annabeth started running, so I followed her at a slightly slower rate. PE was never my strong point. After about a minute of running, a group of five campers from the blue team emerged from the bushes. They took one look at Annabeth, and decided to attack me. Someone, probably female, jabbed her sword forwards at me, and as I countered, I discovered the pleasing sound of metal against metal. It also struck me as rather a Roman style of fighting that she used, but I didn't have much time to ponder on the thought. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Annabeth fighting off two campers, and rather successfully at that. I felt a blade scrape down my thigh, so I brought the anger up to whack my sword against my opponent. Annabeth seemed to have taken down three people now, and was quickly moving to the fourth. The first girl who'd attacked me still seemed insistent on harming me, and quickly tripped me up. However, I remembered my karate classes, and swung a high kick at her face. We both landed on the ground, but I recovered quicker. I ran to Annabeth, and we hurried off on our way.

As I ran, the pain in my leg throbbed, causing me to limp.

"Look! There's the flag. I'll go around the edge and grab it while you distract them." Annabeth ran off, leaving me to deal with two campers, both who looked rather familiar. Georgina and... Travis.

"Sofie!" Georgina immediately spotted me, and started running towards me. However, she fell over as soon as she moved her feet, which did not surprise me. I moved over to Travis, and was about to raise my sword, when a sudden army of ravens charged between us. It was a blur of black, and a cacophony of chaos. I ducked down and sheltered my head, not wanting to be killed by the unkindness of ravens. They disappeared from view within seconds, leaving me with the sight of Annabeth victoriously holding the blue flag. 

{See? I told you it would be long, for my standards anyway. Also, 'unkindness of ravens' is the right collective term for them. I like it.}

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