Chapter 11- A Sense of Separation

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{Sofie's POV}

As I trudged through the woods, owls hooting at every corner, I couldn't stop thinking about Raven. As I thought about it, I realised that with his pale complexion and features that looked dark in comparison, he seemed like a character from a Gothic novel. Almost like a raven himself.

Upon entering the Hermes cabin, I was greeted with the familiar stench that occupied the vicinity. I collapsed to the floor almost immediately, and drifted into what was most likely a nightmare.

I am standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty, late at night. There are no crowds around, leaving the place with an eery feeling. I turn around, and that is when I notice Raven, sitting on the ground as if meditating. A teal fire is erupting in front of him, sparks flinging out, threatening to spread.

"Raven?" I ask, but my voice makes no noise. However, as if he had heard me, his eyes open, revealing one amber eye, and one bright green eye. I step back in surprise and caution, but Raven doesn't seem to notice me at all. A raven flies down to him, but as soon Raven touches the bird, it falls to the floor, seemingly asleep.

"I think it's time for you to sleep now, too." He looks directly at me, and I feel myself fall.

I woke up in a cold sweat, morning light rising over me. Most of the cabin was awake already, and were making their beds. I saw Connor strutting over with a mischievous look plastered on his face.

"Good morning. We'll be going to breakfast soon. Did you sleep well?" I shook my head. It had not been the most pleasant of dreams.

"Demigod dreams are always worse than regular ones. A lot of the time, what's happening in our dreams is actually real." He told me, his voice sounding genuine.

"They're dreams. They can't tell anything."

"Well, that's what most of us believe."

"Come on, it's time to eat." Travis interrupted our conversation, and started to lead the others out of the cabin. I was about to put on my boots when I realised that I had fallen asleep wearing them. As I walked out through the cabin door, I noticed Georgina exit a blue cabin, with a boy who seemed to be making her laugh. I ran over to them, hoping for some company.

"Hey, Georgina. What was up with that weird light above your head?"

"Turns out that my dad is Poseidon, which means that Percy here is my half-brother."

"Not you too. Why did you let them drug you?!"

"Sofie, I wasn't drugged!"

" Whatever, I still don't believe all this stuff about gods," I insisted. As we arrived at the dining pavilion, I followed Georgina and Percy to a table.

"Uh, Sofie, you can't sit here," said Percy.

"Why not?"

"We have to sit with our godly families, I'm afraid. Sorry." I walked off, dreading my meal with the Hermes cabin. As I approached, I heard Travis say something to the boy next to him, while pointing at me.

"Dumb blonde, she is."

"Excuse me? Dumb blonde? Please. Blondes actually make men behave dumb, according to scientific research. I'm sure that you're a lot dumber than me, Travis. Do you know pi to 30 digits? Can you recognise every order in Classical architecture? Did you get the highest mark possible for your GCSEs? I didn't think so." I sat myself down on the far end of the table, unsure if I was going to get told off for my outburst. When silence struck the dining pavilion, I realised that I had been a lot louder than I had meant to. Everyone was staring at me. And then, I realised that they were staring above me, not at me. I was being illuminated by a grey light in the shape of an owl, which was hovering above my head. Chiron trotted toward me and announced,

"All hail Sofie Field, daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and warfare."

"Drugs," I muttered under my breath, at exactly the same time I heard a raven caw. Annabeth stood up, and beckoned me to join her table. 

{There are some wifi issues where I live, and we're trying to fix them, but it could take quite a while. This means that I won't be able to add to this story for about a couple of weeks, but after then I will definitely be adding more. I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! If you have, a vote would not be unwelcome... Thanks for reading!}

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