Chapter 31- We Are Attacked by a Man Brandishing a Baguette

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{Alivia's POV}

I felt kinda bad about kicking Georgina off of the quest. The closer I thought about it, though, the more I realised how we should have noticed earlier. She'd been acting strange for a while; she made Em crash the car, probably in hopes of delaying the quest. She'd also blown up the Parthenon, which could have easily killed us all.
"What are you thinking about, Liv?" Sofie was sitting in front of me, piecing together a model of the Parthenon, though she was supposed to be creating a plan.
"Georgina," I replied. We were all thinking about her. We'd managed to get two rooms free in the hotel. Sofie and I had both bagsied not being with Georgina, but Em was too late. She had insisted and insisted though, and claimed that she feared for her life, so now Georgina had a room to herself.
"I took her keycard while in there, so she can't get out." Millie told us. I was about to reply when something smashed through the window. Ten ravens were now hurtling towards us, their eyes bright orange. I ran towards the broken window. Surrounding the eiffel tower was a blur of feathers, as if a tornado had swept them up.
"Guys, come and look at this," I beckoned Em and Sofie over.
"That must be Raven." I heard Sofie say. Millie opened the door, and after picking up my bow and quiver, I ran through. Sofie slammed the door just in time, as the ravens entered the room.
"Okay, so I can easily distract Raven. Alivia, you might want to find somewhere high from where you can fire your arrows. Try not to contain all your arrows in one area or you will gain unwanted attention. Em, can you summon any skeletons or anything?" Sofie told us as we ran down the staircase.
"I wish Georgina could help us." I whimpered. Her powers could be very useful in this fight, but we couldn't exactly trust her to not join Raven once we were on the battlefield. Her powers could also be very useful against us.
"Well, I locked her in the other room, so there's no time to turn back. And also, yes I'll try."
"Let's go." Sofie announced, as we all expected to hear Georgina to give an encouraging "cheese".
The air outside had gone strangely cold for August, and there were was no-one to be seen. Luckily, I had memorised the route to the Eiffel tower, so Em didn't need to consult Google maps. We followed the cobble road for awhile, the smell of freshly baked bread tempting us to stop. We hadn't had a full meal since we'd gotten off the boat.
"Follow the yellow brick road," Em said.
"That's what Georgina would say if she was here," she croaked.
"You both need to stop thinking about her- she's a traitor." Sofie said sternly. A feeling of dread overcame me as I realised that if one of us died or all of us we would never be able to make it up to her. Ahead, the tornado of ravens looked worse than it had earlier, as if more had joined it. Surrounding the Eiffel tower was a large crowd of easily a thousand people, each holding a weapon (though one was holding a baguette with an angry face drawn on it). At the base of the tower was a group of ravens who seemed to be supporting a person dressed in deep black.
"Raven." Sofie breathed. They shouted something in a foreign language and pointed towards the crowds of people. The conspiracy of ravens surged towards the tourists, as if directing them to do something. Then, the crowd turned to face us. I readied an arrow, aiming for the people. The only thing stopping me was the fact that they looked like regular mortals, and I was sure that I would feel guilt if I killed one. Em crouched low to the ground and touched the earth. There was a low rumbling sound, as if something had just been stirred. About 15 small mounds of dirt started to appear around us, like something was digging upwards. Each mound erupted in a fountain of dirt spraying around us, to reveal 15 armour clad skeletons surrounding us.
"Charge!" Em called out. She sounded tired out, though, and I wondered if maybe she should have saved her energy in case it got worse. And of course it got worse. We're demigods: if our situations never got worse, most of us would actually be alive.
The skeletons slowly moved forwards, weapons brandished and ready.
"Millie!" Somebody shouted from behind us. Em and I whirled round with our hands wrapped tightly around our weapons.
"I'd prefer to be called, Em, thank y- Anthony?"

{Listen to Ode to Athena by Michael Levy... it's good.}

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