Chapter 19- Georgina Starts Some Canoodling Rumours

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{Alivia's POV}

I was pretty certain that Sofie didn't go to the showers. I knew that if I followed her Georgina would probably start some rumour about us canoodling behind the barracks and I didn't want to turn my life into another episode of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians." I probably should've stopped Sofie from going, because we were supposed to meet Reyna behind the barracks later. A series of loud knocks came from the door, and Georgina jumped up to answer it. Swinging open the door, she was greeted by an angry looking Reyna, a scowl etched across her face.

"You were supposed to meet me behind the barracks 15 minutes ago," she growled.

"Dinner finished 5 minutes ago, we literally just got here," she said, realizing way too late that that was not a great thing to tell an angry Reyna. I mean, the woman's name literally means queen. Reyna beckoned for us to follow her. I was worried that she would scold us for being late and I knew that she would probably blame me the most, because I'd been here longer out of the four of us. Millie, Georgina and I followed Reyna out the door, neither of us wanting to be the one to tell her that Sofie wasn't here. Reyna led us towards the back of the barracks (Georgina better not start any canoodling rumours). Reyna came to an abrupt stop, spinning around and scanning the darkness for Sofie, although it shouldn't have been hard. She's so pale, that she practically glows in the dark.

"Where's Sofie?" She demanded. All of us shifted on our feet uncomfortably, her icy glare penetrating our skin. My hands were shaking, and I was sure that I wouldn't be able to hold eye contact for much longer, never mind speak to Reyna. I wanted to go back, to before I knew I was a demigod, though it wasn't much better then.

"Alivia, why don't you answer me. Where is Sofie?" I didn't know how to reply, and I didn't want to.

"She's having a shower." Millie replied for me. A heavy weight seemed to have lifted from my shoulders, and I had never felt such gratitude towards someone before.

"I asked Alivia, Millie. Not you. But seeing as no-one else will answer me, I will have to listen. Well, when you next see Sofie, tell her that she is no longer participating in your quest. It will work just as well with three people."

{Sorry that it was such a short chapter. @Gorridge seems obsessed with the word 'canoodle'. I also thank her for including the 'glow in the dark' part. *glares*}  

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