Chapter 5- In Need of an Explanation

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{Sofie's POV}

As I looked down at the dragon, I saw the reflection of my windswept strawberry blonde hair, and noticed that my eyes had turned a similar colour to the grey storm clouds following us. I felt Leo tugging on my arm, trying to pull me towards a simple looking wooden cabin.

"This is Camp Half-Blood,' He raised his arms, as if announcing a play, 'You can bunk in here with the Hermes kids for now. Ever since Percy made a deal with the gods there haven't been as many campers staying in there, but Hermes gets around. He has quite a few kids, but not as many as Apollo though."

"Wait. Apollo and Hermes are Greek gods. Well, Apollo is Roman too. How can they have kids? Plus, aren't they just stories?"

"You know more than most. I think Annabeth would like you. Oh, and about the gods thing. Well, Chiron will explain it all to you after the campfire and capture the flag."

"You haven't answered my question." I told Leo, insistent on getting an answer.

"Don't worry, Chiron will explain everything to you, but I think that he is talking to another new camper right now," Hazel said, jumping into the conversation. "I think I'll take it from here," She gestured for me to follow her to the cabin that Leo had been talking about.

"So, you know about Greek, and Roman, mythology, don't you?" I nodded. "Well, the gods, monsters and myths from it, are all real. The children of the gods are called demigods, and it's dangerous for us, because we attract monsters. The fact that you could see that manticore means that you're probably a demigod too."

I tried to gather up one of my usual witty responses, but no words came to mind.

"If you go in, one of the Stolls will help. I'll see you at the campfire later,' Hazel told me.

"Thanks for helping me understand all this,' I murmured sarcastically as I walked in.

Inside the cabin, energy and people were buzzing around, somehow managing to navigate their way through the sleeping bags. A thin layer of grime seemed to cover everything, making it look like a rat's nest.

"Hi, I'm Travis, and you must be the new camper, Sofie, right?" He asked, while kicking a small space into the layers of junk covering the floorboards.

"Lots of people in here. It's surprising that not even one of you know how to clean." Maybe I was harsh, but I was fed up of not getting answers. Surprisingly, though, Travis kept his cool.

"Yeah, the Hermes cabin is where all unclaimed campers stay. The cabin's full of them, and a lot of their property stays, even after they get killed." I sensed the humour and mocking in his voice, so I glared at him, until the smile wiped off his face. I knew that it wasn't great to get people to dislike me on the first day, but it was the best I could do in the circumstances.

"Fine. Here are your clothes. Go take a shower." This time, I could hear his disgruntled-ness underlying his voice.

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