Audition Time?

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    Charlie told me to go and work things out with Tom and I did. Tom said he was super sorry don didn't mean it. I forgave him. Later we just fell asleep cuddling.
The next morning I practically sprung out of my bed with excitement. It was audition day. Tom even had to go and see if he would get along with the person they picked. My agent said thousands were auditioning. God I am really nervous.
     I looked at my phone to see a text message from Charlie telling me good luck. He is such a good friend. "Tom babe you ready", I called. "Yep", he said. "Should we take separate cars", I asked. "Ummm sure so they don't think I am favoring you", he said. "Ok well I am going to take off see you there", I said running out the door.
     I then felt a strong hand on my arm stopping he from going. "I love you", Tom said. "I love you too", I said. He pressed his soft lips against mine. "Oh did you 2 not get caught by mum and dad yet", Harry said laughing. With that I laughed and ran to my car.
                                 Tom's Pov
     I love seeing Y/N so happy but I don't know if she has what it takes. I mean I love her I don't want her to get hurt. She may be a world renown actress but she hasn't been in a movie for a while. Good luck love.
                                Y/N Pov
     I ran through the doors to see hundreds of girls waiting to audition. I went up to the desk. "Hi I'm here to audition for Ms. America ", I told the women. "Name pls", she spat. "Umm Y/N Pratt,"I stuttered. She looked up with a smile. "Your the Y/N Pratt ", she squealed. "Yes", I said laughing. "Ok you were going to be number 650 but I can bump you up to 30 if you like", she said. "That would be great", I said thanking her.
     I sat down next to a quiet girl all by herself. "Hey", I said,"what's your name."  "Elle Lotherington", she said. Tom had told me about her. That's his ex girlfriend. Does she still like him. 
     "Did you hear Tom Holland will be here", I said. Her cheeks flushed pink.  "Ummm no", she smiled. "You like him don't you", I asked trying to sound giddy. "Yes actually a lot", she squealed. I felt very angry at this. She likes the love of my life.
"Number 18", the lady called. "That's me", Elle said. "See ya soon tell me how it goes", I said. "Bye", she said. About 30 minutes later she came back smiling. "How did it go", I asked. "It went so great he even kissed me", she squealed. I felt jealousy. Ugggg I tried to be nice until my turn.
I won't let her ruin my chance so I changed all of my sadness into joy for work. I loved to act not even Tom can change that. After my audition all of the judges gave a rave review. "Thanks", I said smiling but before I made it out the door I gave Tom the WE NEED TO TALK look. He mouth the word sorry and I turned and walked out.
Tom's Pov
I can't wait for Y/N to come in here. None of the actresses have made it to the kiss scene thank God. I don't want to kiss anyone other than Y/N. "All right Tom next up is Elle Lotherington", the judges said. NOT HER. I don't like her. She got to this kiss scene. Oh no. She leaned in for the kiss. I had to kiss her.
Finally Y/N came in. When we got to this kiss scene. To everyone else's eyes it was perfect but I knew something was wrong. The judges thought she was the best so far but when she walked out she gave me a look. I immediately felt guilty.
Y/N's Pov
I ran out the door followed by some girls who realized who I was. Then Elle Lotherington came out. "How did it go", she asked. "Really well actually but I must get going see ya around Elle", I said. "Bye", she said.
When I got in my car and was down the block I began to cry. I know it's not his fault but she said he enjoyed it and even winked at her as she left. When I got into my apartment I collapsed on the couch and began to cry.
Sam's Pov
I heard the door open and sobs soon after. Then I realized it was Y/N. I felt the spirt of the room drop. The room seemed to get darker and the light outside seemed to drain. It seemed as if the whole world was sad because she was.
I then saw Harry in the other door way with a sad look on his face. Even Paddy was sad he had a tear in his eye as we all watched the sad scene. Then Tom burst through the door. He felt the sadness too. He put his had on Y/N shoulder but she pushed it off and ran into her room. "Y/N", he whispered.
"What the hell did you do to her", Harry said. "During one of the auditions a girl kissed me as part of the scene and she got really mad", he said. "Maybe the girl said something to her that wasn't true", I said. Then we heard the sobs get louder. What's going on in there
Y/N's Pov
I got a text from that girl, Elli. She told me some 'good' news. Tom and her are going on a date. Would he really do that. Then I got a text from Zendaya (you guys made up for the whole kiss thing). It read hey I heard Tom is being a two timing cheater. Are you ok. I replied with a simple I think.
Then I heard a knock on the door. "Y/N open the door pls", Tom begged. "I though you loved me guess I was wrong", I cried. "Y/N I do love you why are you so mad", he asked. "Your going on a date with your ex Tom WHY WOULD'T I BE MAD", I yelled. Saying it out loud made it seem worse. Then I heard the click of the door and Tom in the doorway with a key.
"I love you to much to hurt you", Tom said. Then I realized that what I was told was gossip. "Tom", I said crying into his shoulder. He kissed my forehead. Right then and there I realized how much I loved him and how much gossip can hurt a couple.
     Then my phone rang. I answered it with a "hello". "Is this Y/N Pratt", a man asked. "Yes it is", I said. "You have just got the part of Allison Stark Congratulations", the man said hanging up. I didn't audition for her but I know sometimes they don't tell you the truth about who you are auditioning for. "I sniffled and started to smile. "What", he asked. "I am Allison Stark", I said. "That's great", he said with a smile and a quick peck on my lips.
"So you didn't enjoy that kiss with your ex", I asked. He hesitated ,"Of course not." I felt that feeling again. Jealousy. I frowned. "Even if I did it is nothing like yours", he said. I smiled. Even if his heart still loves her. I will always love him.
"We now get to work together", Tom said changing the subject. "I am so excited", I admitted. "You know you have a full British accent", Tom said. "That's good. I always thought British accents were very sexy", I flirted. "Oh yeah", he laughed as I threw my arms around his neck. "Yeah", I whisper/laughed leaning in. We both met half way. Our lips touched. It was soft but passionate.  "God I love you", he muttered. "I love you too", I whispered into his ear.
     "Do you want to ummmm", he asked. "Sure", I said. He started to kiss me harder and more passionately. We stood up and walked into the room still kissing. Tom wasted no time. He threw off his shirt and pushed me against the wall. He took off my shirt and started to kiss my neck.
     "Tom", I moaned. He then took off his pants. I pulled away to look at him. He had a 6 pack and was very muscular. "Damn Tom we should have done this earlier", I said. "Same here", he said taking off my pants. I felt so connected to him at that moment.
The next morning I awoke with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I love you Tom Holland.

(Well that escalated quickly)

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