Star Lord

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     Side not B/N means best friends name
     When I woke up Tom was gone. "Tom...", I called. There was no reply so I checked my phone. There was about a zillion notifications from Instagram, a text from dad, mom, B/N, and Tom.
~~~~~~~~~Texting Dad~~~~~~~~

The Star Lord- Hey just wanted to ask if we could meet up later today

You- Sure dad. Where??

The Star Lord- How about the house.

You- sure

The Star Lord- that's great thanks

You- k dad see ya later

Mom😒- Hey sweetie sorry I missed your Birthday last year

You- YOU JUST REMEMBERED NOW!!!! You wonder why we don't have the best relationship 😡😡

Mom😒- I love you honey pls forgive me. I will pay you.


You have put Mom😒 on do not disturb

Bestie💕- hey girl. How are things going with Tom

You- GREAT. How are you doing

Bestie💕- Good but I am still envious of you. I mean you are dating Tom frigging HOLLAND

You- Lol thx. He is awesome

Bestie💕- gtg have something to do

You- oh umm ok 🙁

Quackson🥐- Hey babe sorry to leave ya. I just went to the gym in the hotel with Harrison.  I also noticed there was a dance studio so I thought I would show Harrison some moves.

You- ok have fun I think I am going to go shopping.

Quackson🥐- ok Love have fun

You- I will Love you

Quackson🥐- I love you too

~~~~~~~~~End of Texting~~~~~~~~~~

     Might as well go shopping. I got changed into my outfit.

     I then went to Starbucks

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     I then went to Starbucks. I need my coffee. So out shopping I went. I went to a bunch of designer stores and a bunch of new outfits. Then I saw a crowd. It was the paparazzi. Then out of a store came Zendaya. My face was filled with disgust. Then the paparazzi saw me. A much better and more famous target.
"Hey That Y/N Pratt", One women called. "Oh no", I mumbled. "Wait she has a British accent", One man called. "I bet she picked it up from Tom Holland", another person said. Then within seconds I was running from the paparazzi.
"You better run you dirty slut (sorry for the curse word)", Zendaya called. The paparazzi was stunned with her language as was I. We all stoped dead in our tracks. No one has ever called me that. My hands went to fists. "I am sorry you feel that way", I said.
"No I am sorry for this", she said charging me. I quickly side stepped and she fell. That made her even more anger. Oh no and the paparazzi was getting all of this.
She pulled my hair. "Let go", I screeched. I pushed her off me. I flipped out my phone. I called my dad. "Dad I need you to pick me up", I said frantically. "Why what's wrong", he asked worried. "Zendaya is attacking---", I was cut of by Zendaya charging at me.
My phone clattered to the ground. Dad will be here in like 10 minutes. 5 if he hurries. She then punched me. "You took him back!!!", she screamed. Then a bystander pried her off of me. Then dad arrived. I grabbed my phone and ran to the car but Zendaya got out of the mans grip. She grabbed my shoe. I fell face first to the ground. "Ouch", I said. Zendaya looked at me and laughed. "He doesn't love you. Don't you see. He is using you", she said. Then she went for my necklace I was wearing the one Tom gave me but I pushed her back and made it into the car with my phone, Shopping bags, and my self.
"Are you ok", Dad asked. "Yep as fit as a fiddle", I said. "I like the British accent", dad said driving to his house. "You have a scratch on your knee", dad pointed out. "Do you have any band-aids at home", I asked. "Yep you can use it if you want", he offered. "That would be great", I said.
     "So what were you guys fighting about", dad asked. "Oh she called me something not nice so", I said. "It's ok. Did you tell Tom", he asked. "No, No, No, if I told him he would freak out and when he freaks out I freak out (see what I did there... No just me)."Ok well just be careful ok", he said. "Ok DAD", I said sarcastically.
We both laughed. I went to the house where I was suddenly tackled. It was Jack my little brother. "Hey kiddo", I said. "You were gone for like ever", he said. I laughed. Dad and I played catch up for about an hour then watched some movies.
     I think I fell asleep in his lap too. When I woke up dad was laughing at me. "What", I said squinting at him. "Oh---Nothing", he said trying to breathe. "Hey Chris who are you talking too-- Oh Y/N so good to see you", my mom said. "Yeah Anna I was just leaving so yeah. Bye dad love ya", I said getting up. "That's no way to talk to your mother", she said. I continued to walk. Then she grabbed my hand and backhanded me. I fell in pain. "Anna!!", dad said. I was so upset that I just quickly got out of there.
     I ran down the street then it dawned on me. I have to walk home. Then my phone vibrated.

~~~~~~~~~~Texting Tom~~~~~~~~~~
Tom- hey Love do you want to go for a walk

You- sure but I need you to pick me up

Tom- ok where are you

You- Hollywood Hills

Tom- really I always wanted to go there

You- just come pls 😂

Tom- ok love be there soon 😘

~~~~~~~~~~~End of Convo~~~~~~~~~

I waited for a while till I saw Tom's convertible. I smiled. "Y/N", I heard my mom say. Then came the paparazzi. NOT THEM. I ran to Tom's car but my mom grabbed my wrist. "Let go mom. Not now", I said. "You never tell me anything. I am sorry about everything I did honey", she said.
Usually I am very forgiving. I mean look at what Tom did but this was different. "Mom let go", I said trying to pull my wrist free. That only made her tighten her grip. I shot Tom a HELP ME look. He started to get out of the car when my mom twisted my wrist. I fell to the ground and held my wrist. Then I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. My mom hit me in front of the paparazzi.
"Miss Pratt are you ok", One women asked. "Does she do this all the time", another screamed. Tom came and helped me to the car while my mom ran inside. When we were in the car and driving down the street Tom grabbed my hand. I smiled at him. "You know.... I love you Y/N Pratt", Tom said. I could get lost in his coffee brown eyes all day. "I love you too Thomas Stanley Holland", I said. He kissed my hand which made me blush and continued to focus on the road.
"So where are we going", I asked playfully. "You'll see.....Somewhere the paparazzi won't find us", he said. I bit my lip a little looking at him. "I did know I was so hot", Tom said looking at me. I turned dark red and he laughed. "We're here", he said. It was a beautiful meadow with flowers.
We got out of the car and Tom grabbed my hand. We laid down among the flowers. I looked at the clouds still holding his hand. "Your beautiful", Tom muttered to himself. "Thanks", I said blushing. He smiled. Then I jumped on top of him. He laughed. I then looked in his eyes.
He started to lean in and I closed the gap. Our lips grazed each other's. I looked at his eyes. He softly cupped my head in his hands. Then we kissed again. He moved his hands to my waist and I ran my fingers threw his hair. He flipped me over so he was on top.
Then he pressed his face harder into mine. I felt his tongue hit my lips. I allowed him to take dominance. We both pulled away breathless. "I love you", he whispered breathlessly into my ear. "Your the love of my life", I said. Then we continued our make out session. Until we were so rudely interrupted. It was Ellie (his ex guys!!). "You Slut", she said. "Ellie what the heck", Tom said. "She is stealing you from me", she said. "We were never a thing", he said. I did a victory cheer in my head. He grabbed my hand. "Come on babe lets go", he said.
     "No way is she going with you", she said. "Have you even looked at your Instagram Y/N.  thy call you terrible things. Things I now see are true", she screamed kissing Tom. I was taken back. I was hurt even though he didn't want it. He pushed her away. She smiled evilly. "He kissed me back", she squealed. I was stunned. He kissed her back. "No I didn't she was lying", he said looking desperately at me.
     He loves you remember that Y/N. "I don't believe you", I spat at her. "Lets go Tom", I grabbed his hand. Tom and I ran to the car. Then we went back to the hotel.
I check my Instagram when I got home. I saw the words they said about me.
~~~~~~Comments on Instagram~~~~~
Hate.Y/N.Pratt- she doesn't deserve him. She is such a bi$&*.

Slut_Y/N- my username says it all

There were thousands of comments like that. I curled up in a ball and cried. "Hey babe you ok you have been in the bathroom for like ever", Tom asked knocking on the door. "Yeah", I said trying my best to sound like I'm not crying. "Y/N are you ok", Tom said coming in the door. Damn I forgot to lock it. "Umm yeah", I said crying a little.
      "No your not", he said running to my side. "What's wrong", he asked with a sad look on his face. I crying into his shoulder accidentally dropping my phone. "Damn", I muttered as he grabbed it. He read all the things. "Your letting her get to you", Tom said pushing a stand of hair behind my ear. He hugged me for like ever. "I love you", I whispered sniffling. He picked me up bridle style and laid me in the bed. He crawled up next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I was amost asleep when Tom whispered something in my ear. It was those words ever girl loves to hear her man say.
I love you

If you have any suggestions let me know. I need a little help.  I have a huge writers block.

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