•Part 30•

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Have you ever thought about what it is like to love someone. Nevermind experience it. I have. I love the thought of it. Tom makes my heart skip a beat and my cheeks go red every time I see him. I love Tom Holland.
         I awoke from my deep sleep and stretched. I looked over to see Tom. I smiled then went to go make breakfast. I was cooking eggs when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Tom", I giggled. He put his head in my shoulder. I smiled at him,"Did you tell Harrison or your parents." He frowned and shook his head. "Ok", I smiled kissing his soft lips.
           He smiled. "After filming I'll tell them", he smiled. I glanced down at my ring. "Are you having second thoughts", Tom asked looking at me. I took the eggs off the stove and turned around. "Of course not", I smiled at him. He smiled. "Now we can't have couple problems. We have to have married people problems", Tom laughed. I smiled at him and soon joined in his laugher.
         He wrapped his arms around my waist again and stared into my eyes. I looked at him and smiled. "What", he asked. "You have something right here", I said mumbling the last part as I pressed my lips against his. Then there was a knock on the trailer door. I wiggled out of Tom's arms. He laughed as I opened the trailer door. It was Harrison. "Harrison", I squealed happily. I jumped in his arms and gave him a hug. He spun me around then put me down. He laughed.
We walked inside and Tom gave Haz a big hug. "Good to see you mate", he said. "Hey Haz is there anything different about me", I asked playfully. He walked over. "Same hair, Same face, Same... HAND. OMG THE HAND", he screamed looking like he was about to faint. Tom and I both laughed. I walked over and side hugged Tom. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. "Guys we need to celebrate", Harrison shouted. "No we have filming", I said walking out the door.
          Tom ran out of the trailer after me. I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and stopped me. "We have off", he smiled. "Well I have shopping", I laughed trying to wiggle out of his grip. That just made him hold on tighter. I laughed. He spun me around. He pressed his lips softly into mine. "Are you still going shopping darling", Tom asked. I raised one of my eye brows. "Yes", I laughed as I kissed him again. "Fine then I am coming", he laughed. "FINE", I grumbled jokingly. "Oh you love me", he laughed. "I do", I said kissing his cheek. "Save those words for the wedding love", he laughed I rolled my eyes then walked to the car.
Tom hopped in the drivers side. I held his hand as we drove. "I love you", he said to me. I blushed then said it back. We were going through the intersection when I saw a big Truck flying at us. "THOMAS", I screamed. It hit us. Suddenly my whole world was black

Tom's Pov.
I arose. My ears were ringing. "Y/N", I called desperately. I looked over to see her upside down and unconscious. "Y/N", I said shaking her. She was lifeless. I unbuckled and fell to the ground with a thud. I went over to Y/N. "Darling your going to be ok", I said crying. I unbuckled her and she fell into my arms. I managed to get the door open and I dragged her out. I sighed as I collapsed to the ground. People all around us ran and tried to pull me away from her. My ears were still ringing but I could hear a siren. I got up and looked around. There was an ambulance. They took Y/N and I hopped in with her.
When we got to the hospital they took her into a room. I waited outside it. Suddenly I heard an alarm go off in her room. She was flatlining. "No Y/N", I cried. I tried to run in the room but two doctors stopped me. "No", I cried as they shocked her. Then she had a heart beat again. They hooked her up to machines. I ran and sat by her side. I held her hand. Her hand was warms and beautiful. I held her hand to my lips and kissed it. "Mr. Holland", a doctor said. "Yes", I said turning to him. "Y/N is in a coma there is a big chance she won't wake up", he said. I felt my heart shatter. "No", I mumbled under my breath.


Thank you so much for the support I love you all. Ok so the goal for this chapter is 10 votes. Peace out ✌🏻

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