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Your still in Japan
I quickly changed into my cloths for the day. Last night I made it so he couldn't wrap his arms around me to tease him. He would laugh but eventually he won and pulled me into his soft muscular arms. When I was done changing Tom just stared at me. "What", I laughed jumping into his arms. "Nothing darling", he said blushing. "Ahhh it's so cute when you blush",I laughed. He gently kissed my lips. "Am I off probation", he asked. "Yep but we have an interview", I said. "Babe please just quickly", he said. "Nope we have one interview together. You have an interview with Jake and I have one with Robert and Anthony", I said pecking his lips. "What no fare. How come you get to see Robert", he pouted.
We both ran out the door and got in the limo waiting for us. The fans were shouting our names and we just smiled and waved. Then we headed to our interview together. We sat in the chairs and waited for the interviewer. He was a guy and was kind of cute I guess.

Interviewer- Ok hello guys how are you

Tom- I'm fantastic what about you darling.

You- I was great as well

Interviewer- Well I guess that answers my question of are you guys together

Tom- yes we are *he smiles, you blush*

Interviewer- So how is your relationship Y/N

You- It's crazy and complicated but it's the good kind of crazy. Every relationship has there ups and downs but we make it work*look at Tom who blushes*

Interviewer- I think that is great so who is your favorite superhero

You and Tom- Spider-Man
*everyone laughs*

Interviewer- So I see you have a British accent Y/N are you planning to stay in London.

You- I mean yeah where ever Tom is. *Tom smiles and grabs your hand*

Interviewer- that's very sweet. So I understand that you must get to another interview Y/N

You-Oh my gosh look at the time. I am sorry but I have to go. *turns to tom* Bye Tommy. *kisses him*.

Tom- See you later darling *rubbing your hand*.

*You leave*

I ran out to the limo waiting to see Anthony and Robert waiting in the car. "Guys", I said hugging them. "Are you still with that Holland kid", Anthony asked. "Yes Anthony and he is really nice", I said laughing. Soon we were at the interview.
Interviewer- Ok guys are you excited for the new movie to come out?

Robert- I'm really excited although I already saw it what about you Anthony.

Anthony- I'm am too it's really good I can't wait for you all to see it.

You- See My boyfriend can't keep a secret so I am not allowed to see it either.

Anthony- Damn that kid is just annoying

You- Anthony *hits his shoulder lightly*

Interviewer- So Anthony what is it like on set.

Anthony- Well its great. Except for this little trickster *gives you a side hug making you squeal* and her boyfriend. No I'm just kidding it was great everyone was really awesome besides Tom.

Interviewer- Ok so Miss Pratt are you and Robert close.

You- I mean yeah he is like a second father. So is Anthony and every other actor that was on the set. And all the girls were like my family every one was just really nice.

Interviewer- Well that's very sweet would you consider going to get coffee with me afterwards.

You- Umm no I'm sorry I have plans with Tom. *guy looks sad* oh I am really sorry. I feel bad now.

*Robert and Anthony laugh*

Interviewer- ok well thank you guys so much for coming.

We all left. Robert and Anthony flew back to the USA while I started to pack because we leave Japan tomorrow morning. I then called Tom. "Hey babe what's up", Tom said nervously. "Come on who is that", I heard a high pitched voice say. "Tom who the hell is that", I asked. "Darling what do you mean", he said his voice every so slightly wavering. "You little... Are you cheating on me", I asked. "N-no", He said. "Is that your girlfriend ...", the high pitched voice said but the last part was mumbled. "You are", I said starting to tear up. "Please let me explain", he said.
I was now full on anger/crying. "We are done", I mumbled. "W-what", he stammered. "I think for now we need to take a little time apart from each other just for now", I said crying and hanging up the phone. I walked into the hotel to see Harrison and Jake laughing. Then the stopped looking at my tear streaked face. "Y/N", Harrison asked standing up. I brushed past him and went into the bedroom. I locked to the door quickly.
The boys continued to to try to coax me out. Then I heard to door open. "Where is Y/N", I heard Tom say frantically. "In the bedroom. Do you know why", Jake asked. "She thinks I cheated on her which I didn't. I had an interview with a women and I stepped aside and she kept asking me questions about who was on the phone", he said frantically. "Tommy", I asked weekly from the other side of the door. "Y/N", he said running to the door. "Can I come in darling please", he asked. "I guess", I said unlocking the door.
"Y/N", he said grabbing my hand. "You didn't deny it and -", I was cut off by a hug. "I love you", he cried into my shoulder. "I am so sorry", I cried back into his. He broke away from the hug and closed the door. His eyes were full of a new fire. "Harrison, Jake Can you guys leave", he asked cornering me into the wall once they left. Tom just looked at me. He traced the creases in my face with his hand. He carefully brought his lips down onto mine. He slowly pulled his shirt off. Then broke away. He jumped down on the bed and just sat there. I jumped down next to him.
He wrapped his arms around me. "Does this mean you'll take me back", he whispered quietly into my ear. "Yes always and forever", I whispered back. I gently kissed his lips and he pulled me into my chest. I slowly fell asleep wrapped in the arms of the man I love and I will never EVER let go.
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