Part 1: Stares

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I've loved football ever since I've been little. My dad signed me up when I was 9 and I've loved it ever since.

Today was the day I was trying out for the team. The high school team.

I walked into school with a bag of equipment. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes and whispers went around.

I stuffed in my locker trying to hide it. Because I hated the attention.

"Hey best bitch!" I heard someone say from behind me.

"Hey hoe!" I said back.

That's our thing.

"Okay Riley, in all seriousness... how are you  feeling about tryouts?" Said Jessica my best friend.

"Well.. I'm nervous as fuck! Jesssssicccaaaa help me!" I half yelled, half said to her.

"Calm down Riley, I've seen you play, your amazing!" She said.

"Aw thanks Jess. Your gonna be there right?" I said.

"Of course!" She said.

Then we walked to class.

The school day went by in one big blur. I was so nervous for tryouts. I hated all the stares I got.

When I walked over there, the ball landed in front of me. I picked it up to throw it back to whoever was using it when someone yelled "just walk it over princess! Don't wanna break a nail." I just looked at them and said "Actually, I'm here to try out. Back up." I said.

He just looked at me like I was insane and back up. I kept making hand motions for him to go further. When he was about 60 yards away I threw a perfect spiral to him landing right in his hands.

All the boys looked at me in awe and Jessica just smirked from the sideline.

All the sudden I heard a slow clap from behind me. I turned around to see the Coach clapping.
"Wow! That's an impressive arm there little Miss, you should consider playing one day."

I just glared and said "Yeah, I'm trying out today." I said motioning to my equipment.

He raised his eyebrows and said "alright"

All the boys just kind of stared, because I was a girl. What wrong with a girl playing football? Nothing. So why are thy so shocked.

I went to go sit down considering none of these guys liked me. Then a guy came and said "Hey, I think it's badass your trying out. With an arm like that your bound to make the team."

I laughed and said "Thanks."

"You wanna come play catch or something with us?" He said motioning to his friends.

"Um... sure." I said.

He helped me up and we jogged there together. "I'm Max by the way." He said.

"Oh. I'm Riley."

As soon as I got there some guy said "I call dibs on the crazy girl!"

I laughed. I guess we where playing two hand touch for a bit. I saw how all these other guys where by themselves. I'm guessing they where to cool to hang out with us.

Yup. It's Blake and them. They are mean. No wonder they ain't playing with everyone else.

Blake was Quarterback and I'm assuming he'll be that position again this year.

I learnt max plays right side on the o-line.

I could tell max and I would be good friends.

Then coach blew his whistle and try-outs began.

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