Part 28: Calm Your Ass

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I woke up at 6:00 and immediately jumped out of Max's grip causing him I wake up.

"Max! It's our game today! C'mon let's go! We start practice at lunch. Let's go!" I yelled.

"Damn Missy. Calm your ass." He said, looking amused.

"Hey! I'm excited. You should be too. Hold up. I'm scared. Maxxxx help me. You always calm me down! Help!" I rambled.

"Okay..." he said smirking. He pulled me into a hug and sat me down beside him. He played with my hair and whispered "you'll do great." And things like that in my ear.

"How do you it?" I asked him.

"I don't know."

"I've known Jess basically my whole life. She can't even do that." I replied.

"Well she can't hug you how I do or kiss you." He said winking and pulled me into a kiss.

I smiled into his lips.

I jumped up and said "gotta get readyyy!"

"Tease!" He yelled as I ran to get clothes and he left my room.

Once I was done getting ready I ran to his car as he was already there.

"Got all you football stuff babe?" He asked me.

"Yupppp." I said, very enthusiastically.

He just laughed at me and said "well off we go." And drove to school.

Coach came into the lunch room and called over all the football players to go practice.

I ran to the girls locker room and got dressed.

When coach told me I could go in I went right in basically jumping with excitement. Max was talking to guys, and when one seen me he hit Max and Max immediately shut up.

Well that's weird. Fuck. He wouldn't hurt me again, right?

I shook my head, knowing I shouldn't stress before this game. I was so excited.

"Okay, this is the championship. I can control what you guys do and how you do it, but I can't control your effort. I need you to give it your all because everyone here is depending on you. This is your team. Don't let them down. Sure, everyone messes up. If you fumble, I expect a touchdown the next play. If you miss a tackle, I expect a full tackle the next play. If you miss a block, I expect that guy in his butt the next play. Redeem yourself. No get out there and practice!" Coach said.

I grabbed my helmet and jogged out onto the field.

By the time captains where called we where practicing for quite a while already.

"Hello, I except a clean first half of football." Said the first ref.

"Okay, you'll call it in the air." Said the other ref, gesturing to my team.


"And it's tails. Kick, receive, choose an end, or defer to the second half."

I looked back at coach and he winked, meaning wait till the second half.

"We'll defer to the second half." I said, confidently.

We beat this team once, but then again when I was 11 my team was undefeated then lost in the championship...

Whatever. I watched as our kickoff team ran out onto the field...

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