Part 3: But Shes A GIRL?

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I walked into school squeezing Max's hand as we made our way to the list.

"Hey, don't worry about it Riley! You did better then most boys."

"Thanks. You did good too Max."

He scoffed and said "compared to you I look like shit."

I laughed and said "no way."

We came up to the list and I looked for my name.

I saw it.

Riley Smith- Varsity Quarterback- Captain


"There's a mistake. No way I'm Quarterback. Or captain!" I yelled.

"Believe it Riley." Said Max.

I felt a tap on my shoulder to see Blake who was receiver now.

He said "you stole my position. I'm not even a captain anymore bitch! You better quit!"

"Ha. No thanks Blake. No you go run your routes and have some fun." I said.

He raised his hand as if he was about to slap me but Max grabbed his wrist and said "wouldn't do that man." Blake just walked away clearly pissed.

"Wow. Congratulations Riley!" Said Max and Jessica at the same time.

"I mean... thanks." I said.

"Congrats to you Max! Your starting Right guard! That's amazing!" I said.

"Aw, not really. But thanks."

I hugged him and he lifted me up into a bone crushing hug.

I wrapped my legs around him and hugged back.

I can tell where good friends.

I read the list for the rest of the offence starters.

Tom Sparks- Centre
Alex Turner- Left Guard
Leland Clarke- Left Tackle
Jonah Thomas- Right Tackle
Max Rangs- Right Guard
Dre Cespe- Tailback- Co-Captain
Andreus Mason- Running back
Mason Anderson- Half back
Blake Spencer- Receiver
Caleb Shipp- Reciver
Andrew Marks- Reciver
Riley Smith- Quarterback- Captain

I'm pretty confident with our offence. I mean...I could use some work but where okay.

The bell rang and Max basically dragged me to class.

The day went by slow. And boringly.

The day was finally over and I went to my first official practice.

I saw Blake there arguing with the coach.

"But she's a GIRL!" He yelled.

"Yeah... but she's also a football player. Now get out of my face before I bench you." Coach said calmly.

I ran up to coach after Blake was gone and said "are you sure?"

"Sure? Yes I'm sure! Your amazing!" He said.

"Thanks coach."

"No, thank you Riley."

Coach blew the whistle and yelled "warm up!"

We ran a mile then did our stretches.

Coach Rogers took offence and Coach Jeff took defence.

We ran through some basic plays. I learnt quick. After an hour I knew all the plays pretty well.

All my throws where perfect.

I think I did good. Then we did the scrimmage.

We started in the huddle and I called a pass.

I threw a 30 yard pass for a touchdown. We did more pass plays then coach yelled "Red bird!" Which means I run a sweep to Blake's side.

It was his job to do all the blocking which made me nervous. The guy he was blocking was good but I knew Blake could block him.

"Ready... green 10 green 10. Down set hut" I yelled. I got the ball and sprinted down field. I watched Blake run past Jake, who he was supposed to block. Jake took his opportunity and hit me hard.

I knew if I got hurt it'd just make Blake happy so I got up.

All the boys mouths dropped. I assumed it was a hard hit.

Ha. They all thought I'm a wimp. They thought wrong.

Jake patted me on the shoulder and said "Sorry about Blake."

I looked at him and said "it's fine."

I heard coach screaming at Blake.

"What're you doing? You could've got her hurt! Your done! Get on the bench. If you don't improve you won't be playing! John! Get in for Blake."

I watched Blake walk of the field. I smirked.

"You okay Riley?" Coach asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said back.

We ran more plays and then we ran. A LOT. But I was used to it. So I was first.

Practice was over after we ran. I was putting my stuff in my car when Blake pulled me in front of him.

"You see what I did? Well I can do that way worse. Give me my spot!" He said to me.

I glared at him. "Don't try to hurt me Blake! See where that'll get you!" I said back and walked away into my car.

I got home, had a shower and then went to bed.

Another practice tomorrow.

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