Part 21: Awkward Positions

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I opened the door and jumped into his arms.

"Woah there, Missy!" He said hugging me back.

"Max! I have an idea!" I yelled at him.

"What?!" He yelled back, equally excited causing me to laugh.

"Um... do you want to move in with me? I feel really lonely living here on my own." I asked him, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Aw. I'm honoured." He said faking a tear.

"Well?" I asked, excited for an answer.

"Sure Missy, my moms been wondering when I'll leave anyway." Max said.

"Yes!" I screamed and jumped into his arms again.

"Okay, you get my moms old room... all her stuff is already out of there... so just bring whatever you need from your place." I said.

"Okay... I'll be back in 20." Max said and walked away.

I am so happy. My best friend is moving in!

Best friend... hm. Now that I'm getting to know him... no. He's my friend. I do NOT like him.

20 minutes later Max came with his bed, dresser, clothes, and other things.

I helped him get everything inside, and then left him to decorate well I made us dinner.

Max came downstairs just as I was finishing up.

"Hungry?" I asked him.

"Yuppers." He replied.

"Max?" I asked trying to contain my laughter.


"Yuppers?" I asked, bursting out laughing.

"What?" He asked.

"Y-your just... Max and I love it." I said, still laughing.

One minute he's a football player, then the next he acts like a 7 year old.

I give him his plate and he thanks me.

Once where done eating we decided to put on a movie.

"Knocked Up?" He asks me.

"Sure." I reply.

We both sit down on the couch so that our legs are touching. For some reason I feel butterflies when we touch.

Oh god.

Halfway through the movie I rested my head on Max's chest.

He moved himself so he was leaning in the armrest and I was sitting between his legs, leaning on him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we continued the movie.

I don't know when, but eventually I feel asleep on him.

I woke up on something hard. Definitely not my pillow.

I opened my eyes to see Max's chest... thankfully, he was fully clothed.

I didn't want to wake him, and honestly... I was enjoying this, so I just snuggled closer to him.

He opened his eyes later on and said "morning Missy." In his morning voice.

Damn. His morning voice is sexy.

Wait what? Nope. I do not like him.

"Morning Max." I replied.

I started to get off him but my foot slipped and I leaned back on him, my legs in either sides of his hips. He smirked and I blushed.

"Erm... I'll go make us breakfast.." I said awkwardly.

"I like this position though." Max said smirking.

I slapped his chest playfully and started making some pancakes.

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