Part 4: Never Hit First

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I was sitting at the table eating some fruit when I heard a horn honk. That'll be Max.

I got into the car and he looked MAD.

"What's your deal?" I asked him.

"What's my deal? That fucker Blake basically tried to get you killed! I'll kill him! He's gonna get your hu-" he started yelling.

"MAX! It's okay!" I yelled cutting him off.

"No it's not! Your like my best friend. I ain't watching some guy get you hurt cause your better then him!" He said back.

Alright fine. The situation was pretty bad.

"Ugh Max! Just don't do anything stupid." I said back.

Knowing Max, he's gonna do something stupid.

We got to school and went out separate ways to our lockers.

I opened my locker and turned to see Jessica behind me. "Hey!" I said.

"Hey!" Said Jessica.

"So, how was the practice?" She asked.

"Hard. But fucking Blake decided to try and get me hurt. He ran right past his block so the guy hit me." I told her.

"That little son of a bitch. I'll beat his ass Riley!" She yelled.

"Jessssssss. No it's fine! I'll deal with it." I said.

"Alright fine. But if he does anything else, he's done for."

That's something I admired about Jessica. She was never scared of anyone.

"Okay." I said.

The bell rang and I went to class.

Lunch came along and I left the class to see a big circle of kids around someone.

Oh no. Max.

I pushed my way through the sea of kids to see Max holding Blake against a locker.

"Max!" I yelled.

He dropped Blake to the ground and looked at me.

"What're you doing? The boy just hurt me... okay that's pretty bad! But I can fight my own battles!" I yelled at him.

Blake stood up as fast as he could and I walked over to him getting really close.

"Listen Blake. I'm the Quarterback! Your mad because you getting schooled by a girl half your size, and double your talent." I whispered to him.

He shoved me off of him and I walked back a bit.

Max looked as if he was gonna blow.

Then Jessica came over and looked equally mad.

"Oh bitch! You hit a girl?" Jessica yelled.

I glared at Blake and yelled "You hit a fucking girl? Cause she's better at football then you? That's right everyone! I stole his spot as Quarterback and captain so he tried to get me hurt!" I yelled.

Some people laughed. Some people looked mad.

He just shoved me again and I had it.

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