Part 20: Waterboy

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"Let's watch..." Jessica started.

Then we both looked at each other and half yelled, half squealed "the waterboy!"

That has been hers and mines favourite movie since we where 11.

We always watch it... it never was old honestly.

All the sudden I felt really emotional. Just remembering all Jess and I have gone through as friends... and where still inseparable.

"Jess?" I said.


"Thanks for being my best friend. I know we've been through so much... I've done stupid shit, you've done stupid shit, we've done stupid shit together. But even when I mess up your right here for me. I just wanted to say thank you." I said.

At that moment I realized she was crying. Aw.

"Thanks Riley... same goes to you. I love yoouuuu." She said.

"I love you tooooo." I replied.

Then we went back to the movie.

Fuck man, I shouldn't be this emotional.

After the movie, her and I both passed out on the couch. I was exhausted from the game.

Did I mention I showered before anything else? Because I did.

Ew. Damn if I didn't that'd be gross as fuck.

Like what if I never showered? Dammmnnnn.

Dang it I'm supposed to be asleep right now.

Shut. Off. Stupid. Brain.

I eventually fell back asleep.

I woke up to a loud 'thud'. I opened my eyes to see Jessica in the floor, rubbing her butt.

I burst out laughing.

"Hey. It's not funny." She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip.

That caused me laugh harder.

"Yes.... it... was!" I yelled between laughs.

"Whatever. No food for you." She said.

"Okay. I have to get going anyway. I'll see you Monday?"

"Yup. Bye. Good job at the game by the way. I'm so proud of you." She said.

"Thanks." I said, looking down.

Then I walked home.

I got home and collapsed on the couch. I had thinking to do.

I was lonely.

I wanted someone to move in with me. I know Jess wouldn't... she's to close with her mom.


I called max and said "my house. Now!" And hung up right away.

Then the doorbell rang.

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