Part 6: She Just Didn't Say That

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I was right. It was hard. Next week is our first game.

We ran through every play.

Practiced special teams.

Practiced tackling and breaking tackles.

Practiced BEING tackled.

And we ran. We ran a lot.

But the time practice was over I was exhausted.

I was packing my stuff up with the rest of the team when Blake came up to me.

"I'm gonna be Quarterback next week." He said.

"Look, Blake. I'm tired. I'm not in the mood for our pointless arguments cause I win anyways. Just accept that you got beat by a girl. Now run along, practice some catching, and run your routes." I said to him.

"What? No! I'm no gonna sleep with you!" He yelled at me for the whole team to hear.

"What? I didn't say that!" I yelled back.

"Yes you did! Who heard?" He yelled.

Most of the guys raised there hands. But one guy who I didn't recognize said "we all heard. She just didn't say that."

All the guys nodded and Blake stormed off. I burst out laughing.

The same guy said "your better anyway. We might actually win with you here."

The team nodded there heads in agreement.

I blushed and said "thanks." Then I walked away cause the attention was awkward.

I got home hoping to see my mom. Did I mention my dads a deadbeat and my mom is literally ALWAYS away so I basically live alone?

I showered and watched a movie then went to bed. I was so excited for our first game.

We only had 2 more practices till our game. I'm hoping I do good. Not just for my team, but so Blake doesn't get that spot.

I drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys! Hope you like my story so far. Yeah. I actually play football and I'm a girl. I get sick of sexist comments all the time so I tried to get the emotion out on here.

I'm trying to update lots, but I'm busy... love you's!!!

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