Part 16: Rambling

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4 hours later I had a skin tight, strapless, black dress that showed all my curves perfectly. I had a pair of black and silver heels. My hair was in light curls. And my makeup could kill.

This took away from my tomboy 'rep' but I mean, even the tomboyish tomboys like to dress up sometimes. Especially for dates.

Jessica left out the back when the doorbell rang.

Oh god, he's here.


I went downstairs and opened the door. Blake was wearing black ripped jeans and a white
t-shirt an a leather jacket over it.

His hair looked messy, but obvious he spent time making it look that way. Damn. He looked hot.

His mouth was still hanging open and he was scanning my body.

"R-Riley. You look... gorgeous." He said.

I blushed and looked at my feet. "Thanks, you look nice too." I said.

I felt a finger slip under my chin and Blake made me look into his eyes. "Don't bide your blush. It's beautiful on you..." he said.

I screwed up my face, he called my blush beautiful? I guess he took my screwed up face the wrong way and he started to ramble.

"Oh shit. Sorry, I mean you look beautiful all the time. Even without blush. I was just saying I didn't want you to look down because your so beautiful. All the time. Especially in that dress. Fuck. You look beautiful in anything Riley."

I started laughing at his rambling and managed to get out "I... meant... you said... my blush was pretty... I wasn't offended."

"Fuck. Whatever, let's go." He said, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

He opened the door for me and I smiled at him.

"Thanks for saying yes Riley. I really like you." He said suddenly.

"Hey, I wouldn't of said yes if I didn't want to come Blake." I said winking at him.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him.

"A special place I've never brought anyone too." He said.

"Ohhh, sounds fun." I said.

"But first, dinner." He said pulling into an Italian restaurant.

"Do you like Italian?" He asked nervously.

"No, I hate it." I said, teasing him again.

"Oh fuck. Okay, um... we'll go somewhere else. I'll cancel the reservation..." he started but I interrupted by saying "Blake. I'm kidding. Italian is fine."

"Jesus Riley, you got to stop doing that." He said taking a breath.

"Okay, okay sorry." I said feeling kind of bad.

"Princess, its fine." He said holding my chin again.

"Princess?" I asked.

"Yup. That's your nickname." He said smugly as if he accomplished something.

"Ugh whatever. Let's just go eat."

The waiter came and basically started flirting right away.

"Hey, pretty lady, what do you want?" He asked winking, ignoring Blake.

I watched Blake tense up. That made me smirk.

"I'll have lasagna." I said bluntly.

"Okay." He said slipping me a napkin.

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