Part 2: Yes Coach

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"Hey everyone! Ready for tryouts?" The coach yelled.

"Yes coach." Everyone yelled back.

"Alright. For those who don't know me, I'm Coach Rogers. As you see we have our first girl." He said.

I blushed and looked down well everyone stared at me.

"Now... I seen this girls arm. She has form, and talent. She ain't a joke. I expect you all to treat her with the same respect as everyone else. Got it?"

"Yes coach."

Finally. A coach who accepted the fact that yes I'm a female. Playing with the boys.

We broke up into groups. My group started with the mile run. I finished first.

Then we did man makers, hit its, and another mile run.

Then I went to the weight station. I lifted a 175 pound weight 47 times. Then we rolled a ball up and town the field. Then pulled a tire.

Then we did some throwing. Which I rocked at.

Then catching. Which I rocked at ask well.

Then we did tackling. I was always very aggressive when it came to football. I ended up tackling the best.

When I got tackled, everyone expected me to get hurt. But it didn't hurt.

I could see the boys hitting me harder because I'm new, a girl, and better then all of them.

After try-outs where over I went to go see Jessica and she hugged me and said "your the best out there bitch! Your for sure getting on the team!"

"Hey, Riley! Wanna hang out?" I heard Max yell.

"Yeah sure come to my house... follow my car." I said back.

So, Jess, Max and I where all gonna hangout.

I was glad to be friends with Max.

We got out of the car and spent hours just talking. They ended sleeping over.

We woke up to sound of my alarm and got up to get ready for school.

And to see the... team list.

Sorry! Short chapter I know! I hope you guys like it so far. Yes, I'm actually a girl and I do play football, but for a girls team. That isn't what you think it is.

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