Part 13: Friends

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"We'll receive." I said after winning the coin toss.

"Oh look! The girl knows football words!" Said one of the guys. I just glared and walked to tell coach we're receiving.

I'm not in kick return but Blake got us to our 45.

We ran to the huddle and I said "okay... outside hook goal in."

I ran to my position and threw the ball to Alex. Perfect pass. He gets us up to the 15. Only 15 yards to go.

"Okay, double out 23." I said, letting Mason run it. He got 2 yards. 2nd down. I called another pass and guess what?  Blake didn't catch it. 3rd down. This is our last try. I was the only one I can trust to get 15 yards because I know I'll try.

I just yell "red bird!" And everyone nods. "Set hut!" I yelled and get the ball. I drop back as if to pass but then I take off running to the left, there weak side. I run 13 yards before someone wraps me up. I know we need the first touchdown of the game. So I dive. Right into the end zone.

At the end of the game we won, 36-12.

We all played so well. It was a well deserved win. Quarter-finals are in 4 weeks... and so far we're first place. In quarter-finals first place plays last place so we have an advantage.

I decided not to go out with the team. I was still really sad about it all, and I don't feel like going out.

"What's up Missy?" Max asked concerned.

"Oh nothing, just tired." I said, forcing a smile.

I walked to my car when Jess ran up to me "hey, can I come over?" She asked.

Maybe I should tell her... she deserves to know.

"Uh... yeah. I need to talk to you anyway." I said.

"Okay, I'll take my car." She said walking to her car.

When I got to my house she came in and we started mean girls. Once it was over I took a deep breath and said "uh... Jess I need to tell you something."

"Yeah?" She said concerned.

"My mom died." I said.

Her face fell and she pulled me into a hug "aw, it's gonna be okay Riley. I'm here for you!"

"Thanks. But please don't tell anyone." I said.

"Don't worry. Remember your always welcome to stay with me." She said.

"And your always welcome here. Want to come to her funeral?" I said biting my lip.

"Of course. When is it?" She asked.

"Not tomorrow but next Saturday at 3:00 at Roseall funeral home." I said.

"I'll be there." She said smiling.

"Thanks Jess. I love youuuuu." I said laughing at my stupidness.

"I love you tooooooo."

We woke up the next morning and and she had to leave right away to go see her sister.

Saturday. Hm. What should I do? Binge watch tv? Yup.

I changed into a sweater and shorts and out my hair in a messy bun when someone rang the door bell.

"Yeah?" I said opening the door to reveal Blake.

"Hey, can we talk." He said.

"Yeah I guess." I said rolling my eyes.

I motioned for him to come in. We started walking to the couch, and I motioned for him to sit.

"What?" I said to him.

"Look. I'm honestly really sorry for how I've been treating you. I've been an ass. I just hated that your better then me. And I am really sorry Riley. Can we be friends?" He said.

I could tell but the look in his eye it was genuine. He was actually sorry.

Oh god. I just realized something.

I Riley Smith like Blake. Uh oh.

"Um... yeah sure. We can be friends." I said.

He smiled at me so big. "Great." He said and started to get up.

"Wait." I said.

He raised his eyebrows for me to continue.

"Do you want to stay and watch something? Y'know cause where friends." I asked him.

He smirked and said "yeah for sure. Pick a movie."

I picked out When The Game Stands Tall. Which is a football movie.

We sat awkwardly at opposite ends of the couch.

"I'll make some popcorn." I said.

"Okay, I'll help." He said standing up.

I got up and started reaching for the popcorn when I felt his hands on my waist. I gasped.

"Hey there it's fine." He whispered pulling me closer and resting his head on my shoulder.

I felt goosebumps all over at his touch. Oh god.

"W-what're you doing?" I muttered.

"Hugging you." He said.

I pulled away and said "well I'm making popcorn. Go."

"Fine" he said and walked to the couch.

This is going to be a long night.

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