Another Author Note

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I want to thank everyone who's reading this. It honestly sucks, and I never would've imagined for it to get this many reads. I know it isn't really tons but it's amazing for me.

I appreciate all you guys so much, and it actually means a lot that you even read this. I wrote it when I was really inexperienced, and I honestly still am.

I grew up in a football family, and football really helped me get through a lot of things. It was sort of always there. I know it sounds weird to say, but it made me feel a lot better about myself. Like I had more of a purpose.

Writing was also there for me, so I figured why not make a book about football. I wrote this when I was 11-12, and just edited some mistakes, that's all.

No ones life is perfect, and writing is my outlet. So thank you for reading it and know I appreciate it a lot:)

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