Bonus Chapter

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"Babe! Guess what!" I yelled at Max.

"What?" He asked.

"There's a woman's league and they asked me to come play for them!" I yelled.

"Don't wake up West." He whined. I looked at him and said "football!"

"Oh shit, that's right. Well I mean your 22, go ahead babe." He said hugging me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Okay... well I love you... but I kind of signed up before asking you... byeee!" I said running out the door. I heard his laugh to himself and I smiled as I drove to get my equipment.

The Next Day

"Alright, Riley... congratulations your quarterback!" My coach told me. Everyone clapped and I smiled. After practice I ran up to Max and hugged him, carefully of our son beside him.

"Hey my boy, guess what!" I said, knowing he won't answer.

"Mommy's quarterback!" I yelled.

"Congrats babe! It's like high school." He pointed out.

"Yeah but this time your my husband and and I have an amazing son." I replied smiling.

"Yup. We're high school sweethearts." He said.

I smiled at him and he said "I am so proud of you."

"Me too. Most guys would leave a girl if they found out she was pregnant at the age we where at... the moment you said you would stay is the moment I knew I would love you forever." I said, still smiling like a dork.

Max leaned in to kiss me but I lifted up West so he kissed west's cheek instead of my lips.

He pouted as he walked to the car. I strapped West into his car seat, but as I was walking to my side of the car Max grabbed me and kissed me. When we pulled away he said "I'd get it eventually babe." Winked, and got in the car. Damn that man.

I know it's short, but I figured she should be playing football so I just wrote this😂

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