Part 23: The Mall

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"W-what?" He asked, facing me instead on the stars.

"Max. I'm kidding. I'd love to." I replied.

"Good." He said, as I snuggled my face into his neck.

Damn. He smelled good.

I don't know when, but I fell asleep at some point.

I felt arms lift me and eventually I was in my bed.

Then I was out.

I woke up the next morning and walked straight to Max's room.

He was awake, on his phone.

"Morning Missy." He said smiling.

"How'd I get on my bed?" I asked him.

"Well, you fell asleep on me so I took you to your bed."

"Aw, how sweet." I replied, somewhat sarcastically.

"Well I am pretty amazing." Max said, winking at me.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I replied.

My phone then buzzed and it was Jess asking if I wanted to go to the mall.

I replied with yes and that I'd walk over to her house.

"Uh, Max I gotta go to the mall with Jess... I'll see you later." I said.

"Okay. Try not to think about me that much."

"In your dreams." I very unladylike, snorted.

"Byeee!" I yelled as I went to go get ready.

When I was done I grabbed by bus pass and left to Jess's house.

"Hey!" She yelled and hugged me.

"He-" before I could finish she yelled "Maley! I ship ittttt!"

"How did you know?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Um.. I'm best friends with both of you, you think I wouldn't notice?" She asked in a 'duh' tone.

I blushed and said "I guess..."

Then she hugged me and jumped up and down squealing "I'm so happy for you guys!!!"

"Woah." I said, a bit taken back by her excitement.

"Thanks Jess. Now c'mon. The bus'll be at the stop right away let's goooo!" I said.

We got to the bus stop just on time.

We got off the bus at the mall.

"Where to first?" I asked.

"Well... you need your first date outfit." She said.

"Okay..." I said unsurely.

"But here's the rules, nothing slutty, nothing to girly, and nothing that'll show my boobs if I pull it down anymore. Deal?" I continued.

"Deal." She said, with the biggest smile of her face.

After 2 flipping hours of shopping we finally got an outfit. (A/N... picture at the top)

I must say, for causal I looked pretty nice in it.

But people always say girls look good in baggy sweaters. And ever since I was a kid, all I wore is baggy sweaters.

I've never been one to dress up, but considering Jessica's my best friend... sometimes she makes me.

Hey Missy... be ready for 6:00 tonight, I'll pick you up fork Jess's?

I got fork Max.

Yup, sounds good Max. See you then;)

We bussed back to Jessica's house and started to get the outfit on.

She did my hair, in a messy bun, that clearly took time to get to the messy perfection (in the picture above)

She put some simple makeup on me and then the doorbell rang.

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