Part 15: Lots Of Muttering

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I woke up to see an arm around me. So I screamed. Just like I did to Max and Jessica. Except this time I knew what I was doing. Blake immediately sat up and yelled "what happened? Are you okay?"

I rolled off the couch ignoring the pain me laughed, clutching my stomach.

"Oh, you'll regret that Riley." He said with playfulness in his eyes.

I got up from the ground and sprinted off to the bathroom. I locked the door and heard him knocking.

"I'm not coming out till you promise you won't do anything!" I said childishly.

He didn't say anything but I heard him slump against the door.

About a hour passed of us just sitting on opposite sides of the door.

"Okay I promise. But just cause I have to pee." Blake suddenly said in all seriousness causing me to laugh and unlock the door.

Then I walked out and let him pee. I grabbed an apple and stay down on the couch to start pretty little liars.

Blake came out of the bathroom and groaned in a sexy way when he saw what I was watching.

"Listen, Riley can we talk?" He asked.

I felt nervous immediately. What does he want to talk about?

"S-sure." I stuttered.

"I know I was a complete ass to you in the start. I put my hands on you... and that still makes me feel really bad. And I treated you terribly. All because your better then me, and that's not fair to you. I know I've apologized but I'm really sorry." He said genuinely.

"Aww. Blake it's fine." I said.

He breathed out as if he's been holding it and hugged me. It was really awkward. I pulled away but he stopped me inches from his face.

This is it. We where so close to kissing.

He leaned in and kissed me. Not a peck, but not a make out session either.

When we pulled away he looked flushed.

"Shit." He mumbled.

"I-I have to go. Shit. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that. Sorry. You hate me. Shit. Fuck. I'm sorry Riley. I'll go now." He rambled.

I raised my eyebrows me before he left I said quietly, almost inaudible "who said I hate you?"

"Y-you don't hate me?" He asked genuinely surprised.

"No... actually, I-i like you?" I Diane more as a question.

His face lit up. Into a real smile. Not a smirk but a smile.

I like his smile.

"Thanks Riley, I like yours too." He said, now smirking.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"So uh... you like me. I like you. D-do you maybe wanna go out?" He said nervously.

"Uh, I never said I liked you that way." I said wanting to tease him a bit.

"Oh fuck. Ha... yeah. Sorry I should've never asked. Let's just forget about this. Okay? Sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Blake. I'm joking. Of course I'll go out with you." I said laughing a bit:

"Oh. Oh." He started his face brighting up.

"Gimme your phone I'll give you number." I said.

He handed me his phone and I put in my number and he took mine and put in his.

"I'll be here at 5:30. Wear something nice." He said winking as he left.

I sat there with a permanent smile on my face.

I called up Jess and she came over to help me get ready.

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