Part 8: 4:30 AM apologies

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I woke up the next morning at 4:30. In the morning.

Because someone was knocking at my door.

At 4:3o am.

Who the fuck do they think they are?

I went downstairs in my shorts and tank top opened the door and I saw Blake?

"What the fuck do you want?" I yelled at him.

"I came to apologize." He said.

"Like fuck." I said and started to slam the door but he put his foot there:

"No, seriously Riley. I don't know why I was so mean." He said with a look of guilt in his eye.

Does he mean it?

"Alright. It's fine. But this doesn't mean I like you." I said.

"Okay. Deal." He said.

Woah. The Blake actually apologized?

I smiled at him and closed the door.

I don't believe this. This is crazy.

He's probably planning some shit.

Ahhhhh. Stupid thoughts.

I knew I wouldn't go back to sleep so I started to get ready for school.


Half way through getting ready I realized something.

It's fucking Sunday.

And I'm up at 4:30.

So I jump back into my ever so comfy and warm bed.

And go back to sleep.

I wake up and realize it's already 4:30 pm.

Fucking Blake messes up football and my sleeping schedule.

At least he apologized though... hope its real.

I checked my phone to see a text from Max asking how I am.

I smile at the thought I have a friend like him.

And Jessica obviously.

I'm doing fine. Blake came to my house at 4:30 AM to apologize.

I sent the text

Thats good. Now I don't have to kill anyone.

Ha ha. Thanks for caring. I typed.

Everyday Missy;)

I messaged Jess and told her about Blake and they both think it's legit and aren't pissed anymore.

I spent the rest of the day watching pretty little liars until I fell back asleep. Again.

A/N hey! Short chapter I know. I don't know where I'm going with this at the moment so this is basically just a filler. Buh bye luvs!<3

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