Part 9: Game Day

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4 days later (Friday)

Oh my god.

I have a game today. Oh god.

In last period there was an announcement for all football players to leave to the bus.

I stood up and ran outside to the bus. I saw Max sitting by himself and I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hey Max!" I yelled causing the team to look at us.

"I swear there dating." I heard someone say but I don't care.

"What's up Missy? Excited?" He asked.

"Yes!" I shrieked.

Coach looked at me and said "I get your a girl, but keep the shrieks in check."

"Okay sorry coach." I said laughing.

Max and I spent the bus ride talking about the game.

We finally got there and I walked into the bathroom to change well they went into the away teams locker room.

I felt awkward having to leave but I honestly don't wanna change in front of 30 hormonal boys.

I knocked on the door and coach yelled "come in Riley!"

I walked in and all the boys stared at me.

I was wearing a tank top. That showed my cleavage. A lot.

I'm sorry but it's hot out!

"Okay boys, her face is up there." He yelled.

"Yeah geez, eyes off." Said Max, the only boy other then coach not staring at... y'know.

"Dating!" Yelled Alex.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Everyone sit down!" Yelled coach.

I sat in the only free spot, beside Blake.

"Don't screw up Riley." He said in a threatening way.

"Sill haven't swallowed your pride after your apology?" I asked.

"Nope" he said.

Coach finished his pre-game speech and we ran to the field to begin practicing.

Soon enough the refs yelled for captains.

"Riley, Alex, and Max! Go!" He yelled.

I saw Blake tense as we left.

He refs told us to shake hands. The other team noticed I was in fact a girl.

"A girl? Aw I don't wanna hurt her!" He said.

"Just wait." I replied.

"Oh my god what a joke." The other guy said.

"Whatever." I said turning around.

But as I turned around the guy slapped my butt.

"Bitch! Wanna do that again!" I yelled at him stepping closer.

"Okay you guys!" Yelled the ref.

We ended up starting with kick-off.

The guy returned it putting us on the 45.

I went to the huddle and said "Fake pass 38 toss on 1." I said.

"Down set hut!" I yelled taking the snap.

I dropped back to throw but I tossed it to our running back who ran it putting us on the 20.

Woah they suck.

The next 2 plays a tried passing but no one caught it.

"Red bird!" I heard coach yell."

I nodded at the guys and they knew what to do. "Down set hut!"

I grabbed the hall and took off sprinting.

I broke 3 tackles and ran right into the end zone.

I looked at the guy who slapped my butt and said "joke huh?" And walked off the field.

We ended up winning 49-6.

The team all went out for pizza after the game and then I went home. To another empty house.

I showered and then went to sleep.

It's currently 3:30am and I'm trying To write. Sorry if it sucked, it's kinda just a filler.

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