Part 11: Monday

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I woke up to my alarm beeping. I hate that sound.

I was debating weather I should get out of bed but I remembered I had football practice. Football is one of the only things that can make me feel... unstoppable.

I got up, showered and got myself ready for school. Ugh.


There's Max. I run outside to go see him.

"Hey Max! I missed you!" I yelled when I got outside.

I stopped mid-step when I saw it wasn't Max's truck. And it was Blake's.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked him when I opened the door.

"I came to give you a ride." He said.

"Yeah well I have one. Now leave." I told him.

Then Max's truck pulled into my driveway. He opened the door and ran up to me.

"Hey Missy. Who's this?" He asked.

"Just Blake came to give me a ride." I said still staring daggers at Blake.

"What the fuck man! Just leave her alone already! Or we'll both break your nose. Again." Max yelled.

"Alright man. I'm going." He said driving around Max's truck and driving off.

"What's wrong with him?" Asked Max.

"I have no idea." I huffed.

"Yeah well, if he try's anything, he's dead." Max said.

"Alright Max." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Hop in." Max said as he went into his truck.

I went around to the other side and said "thanks for protecting me Max."

"Hey, no problem Missy."

"Ugh. Again with the nickname!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry." He said, failing to hold back a laugh.

"Whatever." I said playfully.

Then he parked the car and we walked into our first class, history. Jess was sick so she wouldn't be here which sucked. Because, lucky me started my period at school. The day I have football.

The first day is always the heaviest for me. Yay.

But it sucks that Jess isn't there because she always gives me pills before practices to stop cramps.

Ugh. Whatever.

The day went by slowly and boringly. Then it was lunch! Yay. When I was walking to lunch Max came beside me and said "you okay? You look terrible."

"Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"No! Sorry... but are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yes. My stomach just feels like there's a sumo wrestler inside having a fight with another sumo wrestler." I said.

"Oh... um... where's Jess? Maybe you should... talk to her about that." He said clearly uncomfortable.

"She's not here. But I'll shut up." I said laughing.

"Thank god!" Yelled Max.

We walked to our table and ate and talked till the bell rang.

Football practice

We started doing some plays and running. But when I felt... a feeling.

That no girl likes. Shit! I had to go change my tampon!

I jogged to coach and said "I have to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Y'know the rules Riley. You can wait." He said. Ughhhhh. Now I have to explain it to him.

"I can't it's an emergency."

The players looked lost without me helping the offence and coach helping the defence so they gathered around.

"You can wait!" He yelled.

"Oh my god! I'm on my period! I have to go!" I yelled back. Uh oh.

I remembered the team was there...

"Um... you may go." Said coach after he coughed.

The team stared at me in shock. I just jogged to the bathroom.

When I came back coach was talking to the boys.

"She's a girl you guys. This doesn't mean you treat her different." He said.

I coughed so he knew I was there and he yelled "back to practice everyone. Riley, you stay here for a sec."

"Yeah coach?" I said trying to forget about it.

"Sorry about... that. Next time you say it's an emergency, you can go." He said awkwardly.

"Ok, thanks coach." I said and ran off to finish practice.

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