Part 12: ugh.

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At school the next day the boys where... oddly very nice. Probably cause they know I'm on my period. Ugh.

Once the day was over I called Jess and told her about the incident and she just laughed her butt off.

Such a supportive friend.

When I got to practice, coach said it'd be a lot of running for our game that's coming up on Friday.

We started by doing 3 laps. Stretching. Tackling. 3 laps. Some plays. Throwing. Catching. Kick off. Kick return. Punt team. 7 laps. 17 suicides. Lunges. Hit it's.

Then finally.... FINALLY practice was over.

I walked home showered and then went to bed when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Yes, is this Riley Smith?" Said the woman on the other end.

"Yes." I said slowly.

"I regret to inform you, your mother has had a heart attack and is in very bad condition. She won't make it the 24 hours for you to get to Australia." She said sadly.

"What? No. No no no!" I yelled.

"She'll be back into America soon... in the mean time plan a funeral."

How nice.

"No!" I yelled again burying my face in the pillow.

Why her? Why now? Ugh.

She was never home... but she's my mom. Why? She's gone.

I started crying. She's never been here for me... and now, I needed her and she's... may as well be dead. Why me? Why this life?

I've always thought crying was weak... but it's not. Why her? It should be me in that hospital room. Oh my god. Who will I live with? No. I'll stay here alone.

I eventually cried myself to sleep. I didn't go to school. Not on Wednesday or Thursday. That meant I'm behind a practice. I didn't even tell coach. My phone was blowing up but I didn't answer it. I made a request my moms death stays out of the papers. I didn't want anyone knowing.

On Friday I knew I had to go to school. It was game day...

I found my moms will... I get everything.

I got up and dragged myself out of bed. I decided to skip until lunch, so I could plan a funeral.

I called about 4 funeral homes until one said yes. The funeral was next Saturday.

I called all my aunts and uncles, because that's the only family I have. My dads dead. My grandparents are dead. I just have 3 aunts and 2 uncles. And 2 cousins. That's it.

Ugh. I got ready and walked to school. When I got there Max and Jess ran up to me and said "where have you been?"

"Uh.. sick." I said, lying.

"Oh, hope you feel better. Do you? Cause you have a game..." said Jess.

"Yeah I'm fine now." I said. Lying again.

"Speaking of game, coach is furious. I'd go to his office if I where you." Max said.

"Alright I'll go now. See you soon."

"Wait, eat!" Said Jess.

"I did already!" I yelled, nearly out the doors.

I want to coaches office and I decided to tell him the truth. Maybe then he won't bench me.

I knocked on the door and coach yelled "come in." He saw me and said "Riley! Where have you been! Being on your period is no excuse to miss practice!"

I couldn't handle it anymore. I started to cry and coaches face softened. "Riley, what's wrong?"

"I-I wasn't.. at p-practice b-b-because... m-my mom died." I said between tears.

"Aw, Riley it's okay. I won't tell a girl don't worry. Wanna talk?" Coach said.

I shook my head and said "I'll just go get ready. Thanks for understanding." And I walked out, wiping my eyes.

Time to get ready for the game.

All players get let out after lunch so I just walked to the locker room and changed.

Then I walked to the boys locker room and hey let me in. We talked until coach yelled to start practicing.

Then, they called captains.

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