Part 19: 2nd string

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It's our game today.

It'll be hard but I can't let Blake effect the way I play or pass to him. No matter how much I hate him, he is a good player.

That's it. That's all he's good at. Football. But not that good, because I took his spot.

"All football players, you can meet in the locker room." I heard over the speaker.

I stood up and ran to the locker room. And yes, I full on sprinted. I am so excited.

Game time

"We choose tails." The other teams captain said.

The head ref flipped the coin and it landed on heads.

"We'll receive." I said.

At half time, it was 28-35 for them. There up by one touchdown.

The ref blew the whistle 3 times, indicating there's 3 plays left, and we have the ball. I threw the ball to Blake and he caught it, putting us on the twenty.

I called out "red bird!" Meaning I was going to Blakes side.

I started to run, but I noticed Blake ran right past his block.

Before I knew it a 200 pound guy tackled me to the ground. Hard. I felt a pin shot yo my stomach when he tackled me, but it stopped as soon as he got off.

I looked and saw everyone staring at me.

I just stood up and ran to the huddle. Everyone started clapping for me and cheering "Riley, Riley, Riley!" Woah. It just hurt for a second.

I heard coach call Blake off the field and I saw him getting screamed at. He put his 2nd string in the field, his names Nick. He's honestly pretty good.

I said the cadence and dropped back to throw. I saw that Nick was open so I threw it to him. He caught it, broke a tackle, and ran straight into the end zone. I ran over to him and hugged him. We haven't won yet, but if we ran it in instead of a field goal we'd win.

I dropped back to throw and saw that Alex was open. I threw it to him and it bounced right out of his hands. I felt my heart sink but I then saw it bounce right into Nicks hands.

We just won! Without Blake!

I ran out of the locker room and hugged Jess. We drove back to my place, I got changed, and she invited me to stay at her place. Max has a family thing.

I didn't feel like hanging out with the team, because of Blake. But whatever. It's fine. He's just an fuckhead.

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