Part 14: in the morning

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When the popcorn was done I sat back down at the end of the couch farthest from him. I put the popcorn in the middle, but me having short arms I couldn't reach.

He laughed and said "you can move closer y'know." As he moved the popcorn and put out his arm for me to come sit by him.

I huffed and moved into his arms.

I leaned against his chest as he kept his arm around my shoulder and one around my waist.

Shit. Why am I falling for him? The player. The bad boy. The 'bully'.

"Hey, there's a party tomorrow? You wanna come? I'll even be your driver?" He said winking.

"Uh. I don't know. Parties aren't my thing..." I said.

"Please! It'll be fun!" He whines.

"Ugh. Finnne. Now shush I'm trying I watch a movie here." I said.

"Yes! I'll be here at 6:00." He said.

"Ok." I replied.

I'm not sure when but I feel asleep on him. That's gonna be awkward in the morning.

Blakes POV

Aw. She's so cute falling asleep on me.

Wait no. She hates you. Your not supposed to like her. Shit.

Then I fell asleep.

Hey! Really short chapter I know but I roomies the next one will be longer!

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