Author Note

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I'd like to make a point. No, I'm not a feminist where I believe girls can do everything a guy could do.

I'm all for girls playing with guys but they don't have to. Yeah, you have a chance of getting hurt, but you could in any sport. So yes, I think girls can play football.

But I do hate how much publicity girls playing with boys get. It should just be normal, not a big deal. If a girl plays linebacker and rocks at it, but so does this other boy, she'll get the attention because she's a girl. I don't like that.

I think that if your going to play with boys you should be treated equally. Cause it does make it unfair on the boys.

Now all the people say "girls aren't built for football" or "a 140 pound girl will be crushed by 250 pound guy"

I'm 147 pounds. I've been hit 27 times this season. I've gotten up 27 times.

Your entitled to your own opinion but that's mine. Your right. There is some girls who wouldn't be able to handle it, but some can.

Also, I'm going to be writing some more bonus chapters when I can!

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