Part 31: West

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I've never felt so happy. Sure, I'm stressed about the baby, and I can't go to collage but it's not like I would've. Max is over the moon with excitement at this point. He can't wait to be a dad... cause I'm due next month. I'm excited o be a mom to my kid.

"Babeeee." I whined from my room.

"Yeah?" He asked, coming in the room.

"Can you bring me some pickles?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

"Sureee." He said.

I smiled at him as he left the room.

He came back and laid dons next to me, handing me the pickles. He put his hand on my stomach and his head near my stomach and started talking.

"Hey lil baby. I know you weren't planned but I already love you so much. I can't wait to be a dad and your mom can't wait either. Where gonna try and give you the best life we can." Max whispered to my stomach.

"Max, your gonna be a perfect dad." I told him.

"And your gonna be a perfect mom." He replied.

We sat there smiling at each other like complete idiots.

It's been a month and the baby will be here any time. It's 5:00 am and I woke up to pain in my stomach. Then I felt my water break. Oh fuck.

"Max! Get up the baby's coming!" I yelled at him.

He sat up straight away and jumped up, grabbing my hands, carefully pulling me up. He ran us to the car and sped to the hospital.

"She's having our baby!" He yelled as soon as we got in. A nurse came rushing over and put me in a chair and ran me to the room. Max came in and held my hand.

"It'll be okay babe." He said when I started complaining that it hurt.

"Fuck you, you got me pregnant." I said.

"It's okay." He whispered.

"Okay, I need you to start pushing Riley." Said the doctor.

I pushed once and it fucking hurt.

"Ughhhh." I yelled.

"Again." Said the doctor.

Seven pushes later my baby is born. I keep Max cut the umbilical cord.

They wrapped HIM in a blanket and put him in my arms.

"Hey little boy." I whispered.

"What's his name gonna be?" Asked the nurse.

Max and I had already had one picked.

"West Max Smith." I replied.

He would have my last name until Max and I get married. I mean, if we get married. Damn I love him.

I carefully handed West over to Max. Max just stared at him, with love clear in his eyes.

The next day they let us go home. The babies room was already all done up. God, I've never been happier...

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