Part 5: Missy?

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I woke up that morning to my alarm blaring.
"Ugh! Shut up!" I yelled at the alarm.

I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. I started to eat an apple when I heard a honk. I grabbed my bag and sprinted outside to Max's car.

"Hey Max." I said.

"Whassup Riley?" He asked.

"Nothing. You?" I said back.

"Just debating weather I should kill Blake." He said smugly.

"MAX NO!" I yelled.

"Woah there Missy! I was only kidding jeez." He said laughing.

Yeah whatever. I thought.

"I heard that." Max said.

Oh shit. I said that aloud.

"Yup!" He said.

Why do I keep saying stuff aloud that's meant to be in my mind?

"I don't know." Max said.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled.

"Calm down Missy. Hey. That's your new nickname. Missy." He said.

"Oh yay. How lovely." I replied sarcasm dripping from each word.

"Okay, okay sorry." He said.

"Whatever." I mumbled getting out of his car and speed walking to the school. I wasn't even mad. What am I doing?

I'm confusing myself. I turned around to see Max standing at his car stunned.

I ran towards him and hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my face in his neck.

"I'm sorry. Your just being nice." I said.

"Hey, that's fine Missy." He said.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

He put me down and we walked into the school.

I got to my locker and Jessica was already there.

I gave he a quick hug and said "Hey there!"

"What's up Riley?" She asked.

"Nothing. Still proud that I broke a boys nose though." I said.

She laughed. "Hell. I'm proud of you still." She said.

"Thanks love." I said.

"No problem Missy."

I groaned. "You too?" I asked.

She pulled out her phone and said "Max requested it."

"Oh." I mumbled.

The bell rang and we got to class.

School was honestly terrible.

We got to lunch and i was sitting with Jessica when Max and a couple of his friends came over.

We where eating and having conversations like normal people when some girl, I think she's Blake's girlfriend, (or new toy) tapped me on the shoulder.

"I heard you broke my boyfriends nose." She said.

"Boyfriend? Oh him? I think your just his new toy Hun." I said.

At this point everyone was watching us, clearly hoping for a fight.

"Oh bitch your gonna get it. I bet your just playing football to sleep with all the guys." She said very loudly.

"Nope. Actually, I think your bed is more like a bus stop."

She hung her mouth open and slapped me.

"Seriously?" I asked her.

Before she did anything I punched her in the face. Many, many times.

She ended up on the ground and I sat on her continuously hitting her.

"Get... off me... bitch!" She yelled in between punches.

Her lip was busted and her nose bleeding so I got off her and said "I expect you'll leave me and my friends alone." She just nodded and ran out of the cafeteria.

"That was... awesome!" Max and Jessica yelled.

The whole cafeteria broke out into clapping. I blushed and sat down. We ate in a comfortable silence.

By the time school was over I was excited for practice. I skipped detention.

I got there and I realized I wasn't friends with much of the boys except Max. Whatever. That's how I like it.

I saw that Blake was back and he just kept his back turned to me the whole time. Oh boy. This would be a longggg practice.

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