Part 26:Loving Him

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"I'm tiredddd." I whined to Max after practicing.

"Me tooooo." He whined back, mocking me.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Riley?" He asked.

"Oh, using my real name are you? Must be important." I replied.

"I love you." Max said.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Sorry. I shouldn't of said that." He said quietly.



"I love you too." I said and hugged him.

"You do?" He asked when we pulled away.

"Well duh." I said winking.

Max just sat there grinning widely. I laughed at his idiot grin and walked to the bathroom to shower.

Once I was done I just went to bed.

We did have our game tomorrow... I need to sleep.

I felt the bed dip and I turned to see Max coming into bed with me.

"Max!" I said, surprised.

"What? I'm making sure you'll sleep." He replied, as he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled his face into my neck.


"What? Let me sleep with you. You are my girlfriend." He said.

"Ugh fine." I agreed.

He just snuggled closer to me and fell asleep.

"Max! Wake up!" I yelled at him.

"Huh, what?" He yelled, sitting up.

"C'mon we gotta get ready." I told him.

"Okay, you go." He said.

"Max. Then you have to let go of me." I said, looking down at his arms, still holding my waist.

"Ugh fine. But after the game today, where cuddling." He whined.

"Only if we win." I bargained.

"Deal." He said smiling.

"Will all football players meet on the bus." The announcement lady announced.

I ran outside to the bus and sat down right beside Max.

"Hey Missy." He said, leaning in.

I smirked and turned my head so he got my cheek.

"Hey." He pouted.

"Football time. Not kissing time." I told him.

"Finneee." He whined and crossed his arms.

"It's a 2 hour bus ride." I said.

"Yuppers." Max replied.

I Leander my head on Max's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. I eventually feel asleep.

"Goodnight Missy. I love you." Was what I heard before falling asleep.

I woke up to coach yelling "everyone up! We have a game to play!"

I moved my head from Max's shoulder and stood up.

I grabbed Max's hand and dragged him off the bus.

"Go get dressed, I'll be in there right away."  I said to Max and the team.

I walked over to the girls locker room and got dressed in there.

I knocked on the boy door and heard coach ask if everyone was ready before telling me to come in.

"Alright everyone. This is the semi-finals. We win here, we're going to the championship. Here's the thing, when I played football I was told to give 110% but that's not possible. I just need all you guys to give it your all. You don't have to do anything crazy but I just need you to try. I know everyone talks about athleticism, and our team is athletic, but we have more heart in this game then any other team. So go out there and give it all." Coach said. I love his speeches.

We ran out onto the field and started warming up until they called for captains. We won the coin toss and ended up receiving.

By the second half we where up by 14. This team wasn't that great.

The ref blew the whistle indicating 3 plays left. Our defence stopped them every time.

The whole team ran out onto the field and hugged each other, or whatever that thing is boys do, which is hugging they just think hugging sounds girly.

Our team started chanting "where going to the ship" in a huddle thing.

Once we where done we ran out to our locker room and coach talked.

"I saw a lot of amazing things out there. You guys have heart. You sacrificed your wellbeing out on that field today and I'm proud. Now rest up, shower, and be ready for practices." Coach said.

"Max, I'm going to Jess's tonight... bye." I said.

He hugged me and whispered into my hair "you did amazing babe."

"Wow, no missy." I said, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah." He said smiling and walking off to change.

"Oh my god Riley you did amazing!" Jess squealed when I left the locker room.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Damn, let's get you to my house so you can shower." She said, making a disgusted face.

"Hey, I just played a football game." I argued.

"Yeah, yeah." She said, walking to her car.

I got out of the shower, and went to Jess's room.

"What's happening with you and Max?" Jess asked.

I smiled and said "Jess, he really makes me happy."

"I'm glad because he looks happy too. His face lights up and the sight of you, or even when someone mentions you." She replied.

"Awwww. Jess, I think he's the one." I replied.

"I know. Duh. You two are just so cute." She said laughing.

"Uh, I have to go get my bags from my house, I don't wanna wear your clothes all the time." I said gesturing to her p.js that I was wearing.

"Okay, I'll drive you." She said standing up.

"I'll be right out." I said when she pulled up to my house.

I walked inside to see Max on the couch with a girl sitting on him.

What the fuck.

"Max?" I asked, my voice cracking trying to not cry.

"Babe. I promise it's not what it looks like." He said.

"Yeah? Whatever." I said grabbing my bag that was already packed.

"Missy wait!" Max called after me.

"Whatever. I fucking loved you. I'll be staying at Jess's for a while." I replied and ran out to Jess's car, letting the tears fall.

"I heard everything. Let's go get ice cream." Jess said when I got in.

"Your a really awesome friend Y'know that Jess?"

"Yeah." She replied.

"I loved him Jess." I whispered.

"I know, and I can tell he loves you but he just messed up. You should talk to him." She replied.

"I will when I'm ready." I decided.

"Okay." She said, smiling.

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