Part 29: True Love

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I woke up, trapped in Max's arms.

Ughhh. "Max, get up." I whispered.

He sat up, causing the blanket to come off him.

That's when I noticed... something.

His 'down there' was sticking up.

I burst out laughing at him and Max said "hey, your fault."

"What?" I asked.

"Well, I was sleeping in the same bed as you. Imma guy I can't help imagine things." He said, looking at me... like he was asking to do what he was imagining.

(A/N, so, I'm keeping this PG but let's say they did what he imagined, if you know what I mean)

After we where done Max smiled at me and said he was gonna go make breakfast.


2 days later

I woke up, feeling sick.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Oh fuck.

Shittt. No I can't be... I'm only 17, almost 18. And Max is only 18!

Whatever. I told Max I wasn't feeling well, and then told Jess. She said she's coming over. It is Saturday... Max was going out with his friends, because I made him so I could talk with Jess.

"Jess." I said, cautiously as she came into my room.


"I think I'm pregnant." I whispered.

"WHAT?!" She screamed.

"Yeah." I said, and started crying.

"Shhh Missy, it'll all be okay." She said.

"What about football? Life? Money?" I asked.

"Football will be starting after you've had he or she, if you are. Your life will be fine, you've always loved kids. And money, you have all of your moms." She said.

I took a breath, realizing I was jumping to conclusions.

"Let's go to the doctor." I said.

"Congratulations Riley." The doctor said.

"What." I said, stunned.

"Your pregnant." He said.

I just left there with Jess as fast as I could.

"Max will hate me! He's gonna leave me Jess." I said once we where in the car.

"Your his true love, he won't leave you." She promised.

"I'll tell him when I can. Can I just be alone Jess?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll drop you off at home."

When I got home I went straight to my room and started to cry.

How could I of been so stupid? This is going to ruin my life.

I eventually fell asleep, before Max was home.

Heyy! Short chapter I know... only about 3 left!

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