Chapter 2 - What The Hell Just Happened.

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Once school was over, I began to walk home. It didn’t usually take me long. I just hated walking on my own after school, knowing that I’d probably get stopped by some jerks from my year who would find it funny to steal my belongings and run off with them.

They had a habit of doing that lately, considering as I was too weary to grab them and make contact with their skin.

They usually just ended up running away, me trailing behind like the unfortunate loser I was, unable to pull them back or even catch up with them to consider doing so.

As it was raining, there was an even more likely chance that my bag would end up in a puddle if they got hold of it. I wasn’t going to take that chance.

                Not caring what I looked like, I pulled my hair up into a higher pony tail and shoved my PE hoodie over my head, dragging it down over my bum, pulling my backpack higher onto my shoulders to prevent it from bouncing any more than necessary on my back. I’d recently been developing a bruise from all the running I’d been doing after school and I didn’t want to make it any worse.

                So far, there weren’t many people around. It only took thirty minutes to walk to my house with the short cut included, so running would almost half that time. I plugged my headphones into my ear and began to run, trying to ignore the blurring of my vision from the droplets of rain hitting my face.

It was peaceful, especially with Christina Perri in my head, playing her guitar with a slow beat in time with my running pace. I found myself miming to the lyrics, pretending I was singing them in some kind of music video with my hair all perfect and stupidly unreal, when really I probably looked like a drowned rat.

I usually looked like a drowned rat anyway so it wouldn't be anything new.

I was so distracted that I didn’t realise where I was going until I ran into a stationary car with a thump.

Automatically I crumpled to the floor, my headphones dropping into a puddle near the curb, my hood falling back to expose my hair to the harsh rain, beating down against my neck and running down my back, soaking my top underneath.


I sighed and pushed myself up, studying the damage I’d done to my clothes. They were muddy but otherwise okay. At least I'd be able to put them in the wash when I got home.

I pulled my hood back over my head, seeing as it had flown off with the impact, and was about to move off again when someone got out of the car.

                You know when you’re a little kid and you go into the shops and beg your parents for a pick and mix cup and they point blank refuse because it’s unhealthy or it’s too much sugar or something silly like that? Then you hang back after they walk past it and sneak a sweet from the tub even though you probably know it’s wrong but no one can really do much about it because by the time someone looks around you’ve already eaten it?

Well this was like that, only that I’d been caught doing something stupid and not even in an attractive way but more like a clumsy elephant way. I didnt even look attractive, just stood there in the rain with mud on my shorts and legs, my hair probably tangled like a bird's nest.

“Brilliant.” I brushed myself down and concentrated on sorting my hoodie and bag out, delaying the realisation of whose car I’d actually smacked into. It was just another way of making me seem like a freak.

Note to self: watch where you’re going and stop acting like you’re some kind of singing genius.

I was never going to be in that kind of profession, so pretending wasn't exactly going to help my career.

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