Chapter 13 - Fallen into Daydream Land

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Adam left at about 10pm when I was almost dying of exhaustion. I had been tired anyway so when it reached my usual time to sleep I crashed against Adam's arm before I realised what I was doing. He must have processed my tiredness because he left soon afterwards, telling me that he'd try and make more of an effort in college with me if I was okay with it.

Even if I'd wanted to refuse, I wouldn't have been able to. I said goodbye with half closed eyes, only just managing to tell him that Kai was giving me a lift home tomorrow. Adam had smirked and winked before getting in his car and driving off, leaving me confused but too tired to really care.

After that, I'd collapsed on my bed and fallen into daydream land.

This made me late for college. Cursing, I jumped out of bed and fumbled with everything before rushing out of the house. Luckily, Adam had been driving past as soon as I'd stepped out of the house and he'd chuckled before letting me into his car, me thanking him profusely. Wasn't this the second time he'd saved my butt?

I struggled with running my hands through my hair to remove my knots. It was only then that I realised I'd left my gloves at home. I bit my lip down hard and gasped, causing Adam to swerve quickly, swearing at my outburst. He pulled to the side of the road and then looked at me. I was too busy glaring at my hands to notice his reaction, my eyes beginning to water.

Now I was definitely going to be late.

"What's wrong?" He breathed as he stared at me, frowning.

I sniffed and lifted my hands up. "I forgot my gloves."

His eyes widened in realisation. "I'll go back with you."

I was already shaking my head. "You'll be late. I'm not making you late. I'll just have to cope." I whispered and cupped my hands in my lap, staring out of the window, wishing that the day was over already.

I heard Adam scrambling around but I didn't turn from the risk of crying in front of him. I had never left my gloves behind before because I knew how vulnerable I was making myself. I'd been so distracted trying to get everything ready that I'd completely forgotten about them. I didn't even know where they were because I'd taken them off when Adam had come back to mine and hadn't thought about them since. 

Suddenly I felt something drop into my lap. My eyes buzzed as images of Adam trying to ride a motorbike flashed through my mind and I flinched, curling my hands backwards against my chest. 

"Sorry. That was the best I could find." Adam said as he turned the car on again and began driving towards the college. I looked down at my lap and my heart thundered when I saw the thick leather gloves lying on my thighs. 

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" I sqeezed his arm which was nearest the gearstick, wishing that I could hug him right now as I slipped the gloves onto my fingers, the flashes of memories flooding my mind up to when Adam used them to clean his car. I pulled my fingers back out to see a small dark smudge of oil on the tip of my finger before returning them back into the gloves. They weren't as long as mine but they were better than nothing. At least I could still shield my skin for now.

"It's fine. Return them to me tomorrow or something. You'll need them tonight." Adam wiggled his eyebrows at me and I scoffed. However, I couldn't remove the happy grin on my face all the way to college.

I must have rubbed off because as I got out of the car, I realised that Adam was grinning too.

We looked like such idiots but I didn't care. I was just so relieved that I didn't have to touch everyone with my bare skin, even if it was by accident. 

It didn't take long before my bag dropped off of my shoulder and Kai wrapped his arm around them, pulling me to his side. I yelped but smiled up at him when he greeted me, nudging my side with his hip. Adam stood beside us and gave a soft smile. Kai then realised that we had an audience and turned to Adam, looking him up at down.

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