Chapter 10 - Told off by the Teacher in my Head

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See, I now had to sit there for the rest of the lesson wondering why Adam flinched when he was touched. It wasn't hard to guess but I didn't want to assume anything in case I was wrong. Guessing about something like this probably wasn't a good idea. If I told someone about it then I wanted to know all of the facts.

Of course, if I was correct, Adam wasn't going to like me telling someone.

He'd lose his father if I told anyone.

Instead of being able to approach Adam and demand what had happened, not like I'd do it anyway, I had to sit there and sweat through Psychology.

Oooh Mr Dawson wasn't going to like me for much longer if I didn't start concentrating.

I practically stared at the back of Adam's head for the whole lesson. I didn't want to make it obvious but I couldn't help it. He seemed tense, so he must have felt my gaze. I just didn't know how to respond to what could potentially be happening.

I knew he was having trouble at home but his dad couldn't be that bad, could he? Was this the whole reason why he didn't want to go home early?

I could vaguely hear Mr Dawson chatting casually with the class and making them laugh with his jokes but it was background noise to me. I was too focused on Adam to process what was going on and I was sure that Mr Dawson noticed my lack of response to his words. 

I couldn't wait to get out of there and pull Adam to one side.

Though, I did feel guilty. Psychology was a good subject for me and yet I was spending my time thinking about a boy and whether he was getting abused by his father. If I kept this up, I was going to fall behind. I was practically being told off by the teacher in my head the longer I sat staring at Adam's hunched form.

His elbows had never left his sides since he'd been nudged and I knew he was trying to hide his reaction from people. He didn't want people to be suspicious of any injury he could have. Unfortunately for him, I picked up on things like that. 

If he didn't tell me what was going on soon, I was going to place my hands on him, and I really didn't want to invade his privacy like that.

Class ended and, yet again, I ended up being the last in the class. Mr Dawson sat like he had been last week, a small twinkle in the corner of his eye. As I went towards the door, he sat up straighter and I hesitated near his desk, knowing that he'd want to talk to me again.

"Hi Megan."

"Hi Mr Dawson." I shuffled towards the seat nearest to his desk and sat down, fiddling with my gloves. I knew what was coming. He really didn't have to open his mouth. The teacher in my brain had already told me off continuously throughout the lesson. I didn't need to be told off any further. In fact, what I really needed to do to gain my concentration again was to talk to Adam about his sore ribs.

"Megan, you were daydreaming again."

"I know, sir. I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to. I have a lot on my mind."

This was definitely the wrong thing to say. Mr Dawson raised his eyebrows and leaned back in his chair, putting his feet gently against his desk, crossed at the ankles. "Megan, I can't help you if you don't talk to me."

I hesitated. "Sir, I really can't explain. I don't know the full details so I don't want to share wrong information. I'm just concerned for a friend of mine." I winced at the word 'friend,' wondering if I could even call him that. 

Mr Dawson nodded in understanding. "Of course. Is it a serious concern?"

I nodded vigorously. "I'm very worried."

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