Chapter 14 - A Disaster on Legs

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I didn't see Adam until last lesson. I didn't have psychology so I couldn't look at him and I didn't know where the rest of his classes were so I couldn't bump into him in the corridor.

I could bump into others though.

It really wasn't a brilliant day to bang into Jessica and Brett, who were busy flirting their arses off in the middle of the corridor. I hadn't even been concentrating to avoid them. My body almost collided with Jessica before I was able to control myself and swerve around towards the lockers. I shouldn't have bothered though. Brett pushed my shoulder and I smacked into the lockers, dropping my folders again. 

Groaning, I dipped down to retrieve them, ignoring the sniggers from Jessica. 

"Watch where you're walking, freak." I heard Brett spit and his bag whacked into my head, causing me to fall onto the tiled flooring. I didn't even want to look at them. It would only encourage them. Instead I pulled my hoodie closer around my face and waited for them to leave.

No such luck.

"I don't understand why they let you come to class. You infect everything you touch." Brett snarled and whacked his bag against my shoulder. I lost my balance and the folders in my hand wobbled.

"Yeah, they probably have to go around your seat with disinfectant every day. It must annoy them." Jessica sneered and I watched as her foot 'bumped' into my hip. 

I just wanted them to go away so I could go to my last lesson. I wanted to get out of there. I was already worrying about the gloves which were definitely too big and too short for me to cover my skin completely. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

"Are you mute as well as infected?" Brett laughed and knocked the folders from my hand, kicking my bag away from me.

I scurried to reach it, knowing that my folders would be alright. I'd had enough experience to cover my work in plastic to prevent it being ruined on occasions like this.

It was worrying how not one of the other students even bothered to look down at the scene as they passed for their lesson. Soon I was going to be late, just to end a brilliant day.

"She's like an animal!" Jessica exclaimed in disgust.

My cheeks flamed as I grabbed my bag and shuffled towards my folders on the floor. As I went to reach for them, I saw Brett put his foot down on the top of them, preventing me picking them up. I pulled but it was useless. He was too heavy to move. "Come on, freak. Get your folders. I'm certainly not going to help you."

I sniffled, not wanting to cry in front of them but too frustrated to not react to their taunting. I sat on the floor and desperately tried to get my folders without touching Brett but it was so difficult that I just ended up sitting there with my hands around them, desperately trying not to cry.

"Hey!" I heard a voice say.

I didn't even bother to look up.

However. I did when Brett's foot was suddenly yanked from my folders. He was smacked against the lockers on the other side of the corridor, his head tilted slightly as if he didn't know what was going on, sat there like a rag doll in a daze. Jessica screamed and ran towards him, cooing like an idiot as she touched Brett's reddening face.

I felt fingers touch my arms and automatically flinched, pulling my head down, curling my hands into my chest. I couldn't help whimpering slightly, pleading that I wouldn't get the same treatment as Brett. However, the fingers rubbed against my shoulder sympathetically and I slowly relaxed at the feeling, allowing the person to pick me up under my arms and put me back on my feet.

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