Chapter 25 - The Answer to the Universe

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So I'm bored of work. I feel as if that's literally all I've been doing. I'm seriously turning into a hermit. NEED SOMETHING ELSE TO DO URGH.

It's like one of those moments when you stop working, then feel bad because you've stopped working, or you've finished work and now you have literally nothing to do.

That is exactly me right now.


Thought I'd upload again because it feels as if it's been a while and I'M SORRY!


I didn't want to go into college but I knew that I wouldn't beable to get away with it again. Taking one day off was fine but taking another day off was just asking for a pile up of work, especially with the classes which I took.

Let's be honest, I wasn't really worrying about work.

I knew I could catch up if I wanted to when I wanted to and how I wanted to. I knew I was a blessed student that way and I could take a few days off if I wanted and would have no problem catching up again, well, besides maybe accountancy but that was due to the teacher and not really anything to do with me.


What I was worried about was the fact that I knew I'd have to see Kai in college.

I didn't know how he was going to react to me or what he was going to do. Was he going to stay in my company or leave me alone? Was he going to mention anything or just pretend that nothing after college happened?

I knew he wouldn't let me go easily now. I knew that I was done for. Every night I was probably going to be subject to Kai's demands, except perhaps if my mum was home. 

This was probably one of the only times I wanted my mum to come back early from work.

I just wanted to be felt alone.

Then I had Adam to worry about. 

I didn't know how he'd react with me. I knew he had his suspicions about what was going on but luckily I'd saved him from that information so far so he was still off target. I just hoped that he wouldn't guess. He knew that me and Kai weren't getting on too well lately so it would be awkward if Kai tried to act normal with me and Adam saw.

Adam could even start hanging out with me...

Who am I kidding? Social suicide.

I heard my mum leave for the day and I sighed as I got myself ready for college. I knew today was going to be hard but I'd rather be in college than out with Kai by myself. At least in college I was safe. At least I didn't need to worry about violent images.

I just had to worry about the care journey with Adam.

I knew if he didn't pick me up then he'd ask questions or ring me, anything to make sure that I was alive and kicking.

He seemed very concerned lately.

Of course he would be, Megan. He's your friend.

I rolled my eyes as I shrugged on my usual dark hoodie. I hardly used my ipod anymore but it was still nice to have nearby incase I needed it in an emergency.

Once I couldn't delay it any longer, I picked up my bag and forced myself through the door...

Just as Adam pulled up.

Oh joy.

He beeped his horn and I slowly went towards him then got in the front, fiddling with my gloves on my lap, trying not to look at him.

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